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This lists all online GMOD tutorials. See Training and Outreach for other types of GMOD-related training.

Component Title, Description
Apollo Tutorial 2011
The Apollo session from the 2011 GMOD Spring Training
Apollo Tutorial 2010
The Apollo session from the 2010 GMOD Summer School - Americas.
Apollo tutorials at the Dynamic Gene web site.
Flash based tutorials on how to use Apollo, using rice as an example. Sections of particular interest are
  • Annotation - how to use Apollo
  • Resources - how to download sample data and install Apollo on an MS Windows system.
Apollo user guide
The current user guide, which has comprehensive instructions for installation and usage of Apollo.
BioMart Tutorial
Based on the BioMart workshop at the October 2011 GMOD Meeting.
Chado Tutorial
Based on the Chado session from the 2013 GMOD Summer School.
Artemis-Chado Integration Tutorial
Based on the session of the same title from the 2009 GMOD Summer School - Europe.
GMOD in the Cloud
AWS walkthrough
A gentle introduction to getting a machine up and running on the Amazon Cloud
Tutorial @ Gramene
Galaxy Tutorial
As taught at the 2013 GMOD Summer School
Galaxy Learning Hub
A wealth of training materials, including:
RNA-Seq Example
An introduction to NGS processing (specifically RNA-Seq) with Galaxy.
OpenHelix Galaxy User Tutorial
A Flash based tutorial on using Galaxy. Provided by OpenHelix. Tutorial includes slides, handouts and exercises. Requires subscription.
GBrowse tutorial from 2012 GMOD Summer School. This relies heavily on the GBrowse2 Admin Tutorial.
Demonstrates setting up, configuring and using GBrowse with some sample data. GBrowse is provided on an Amazon Machine Image; see GMOD in the Cloud for more information on getting a GMOD AMI.
GBrowse tutorial from 2010 GMOD Summer School
Set up and run GBrowse with sample data. It provides a VMware image to work on, and relies heavily on the GBrowse2 Admin Tutorial.
GBrowse2 Admin Tutorial
Step by step guide on how to configure and load data into GBrowse. Administration tutorials are available for both the GBrowse2 Admin Tutorial, and the earlier 1.x versions.
Usage tutorial
GBrowse usage tutorial
GBrowse NGS Tutorial
Instructions on how to visualize next generation sequencing data in GBrowse using SAMtools. The tutorial includes a starting VMware image, and uses the example data that comes with SAMtools.
GBrowse video tutorial
Produced by EuPathDB; please direct praise and thanks to them!
GBrowse User Tutorial at OpenHelix
A Flash based tutorial on using GBrowse. Provided by OpenHelix. Tutorial includes slides, handouts and exercises. NB: this tutorial is for GBrowse 1.x
GBrowse syn Tutorial
Installing and configuring GBrowse_syn; from the 2013 GMOD Summer School
Introduction to and documentation of the GFF3 format
JBrowse Tutorial covering installation and configuration
part of the 2013 GMOD Summer School
Getting Started with JBrowse Tutorial
part of the JBrowse documentation
Exploration of structural variation in the tomato clade using JBrowse
Tutorial explaining how to browse structural variants from the 150+ tomato genome resequencing project ( using JBrowse
MAKER Tutorial
taught as part of the 2013 GMOD Summer School
Pathway Tools

Pathway Tools slides
General information about Pathway Tools, including slides from tutorials and user guides
Upcoming Events
Pathway Tools tutorials and workshops
SOBA Tutorial
taught as part of the 2013 GMOD Summer School

Tripal Tutorial v1.1
used during the 2013 GMOD Summer School
Tripal Tutorial (v1.0)
used during the 2012 GMOD Summer School
Tripal Tutorial (v0.3.1b)
The full v0.3.1b tutorial
Tripal Tutorial (v0.3.1b VM)
for use with the Tripal virtual machine
Tripal Tutorial (pre version 0.3b)
from the 2010 GMOD Spring School
WebApollo Tutorial
taught as part of the 2013 GMOD Summer School


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Pages in category "Tutorials"

The following 87 pages are in this category, out of 87 total.






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