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Next Generation Sequencing

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WorkInProgressTools.gif This page is under construction. Eventually it will be a hub for all information in the GMOD web site related to next generation sequencing.

Presentations & Posters

Title Where Content
GBrowse NGS Tutorial at the Bioinformatics Australia 2009 GMOD Workshop, Melbourne, Australia, October 28-30, 2009 Step by step tutorial on configuring GBrowse 2 to visualize NGS data using the SAMtools GBrowse adaptor, Bio::DB::Sam. This includes a VMware image to work with.
GBrowse and Next Generation Sequencing Data at Genome Informatics, Cold Spring Harbor, New York, USA, October 27-30, 2009 Shows how to display NGS data in GBrowse 2, and in GBrowse 1.70.
Quest for Standard: Sequence alignment/map format (SAM) and SAMtools at August 2009 GMOD Meeting, Oxford, UK, August 6-7, 2009 An overview of SAMtools, a platform agnostic set of programs and file formats for efficiently storing and retrieving short read data.
Visualising NGS Data in GBrowse 2 Describes how to use GBrowse, the Bio::DB::Sam adaptor, and SAMtools to visualize next generation sequence data for whole genome resequencing data.
Seeing the forest and the trees: visualizing next generation sequence data at Next Generation Genome Analysis in Non-Model Organisms - An AGA Special Event, University of Connecticut, June 11-13, 2009 Using GBrowse to visualize next generation sequence data for whole genome resequencing of related strains, and population genetics, followed by an overview of GMOD.
Using GMOD for evolutionary genomics and next generation sequence data at the Database tools for evolutionary genomics workshop at SMBE 2009, University of Iowa, June 3-7. An overview of GMOD and a detailed discussion using GBrowse to visualize next generation sequence data using the Bio-SamTools SAMtools GBrowse adaptor.
Visualising and Integrating Next Generation Sequence Data using GMOD at Evolutionary Genetics - The impact of Next generation sequencing technologies in Lutherstadt-Wittenberg, Germany, April 2-4, 2009. Discusses visualizing NGS data in GBrowse, using pre-SAMtools technologies. Has discussion on if displaying individual reads is useful.
Managing Next Generation Sequence Data with GMOD Poster at Plant and Animal Genome (PAG 2009), San Diego, CA, January 10-14, 2009 Using GBrowse for next generation sequence data and population genetics.