GMOD Malaysia 2014/MAKER Tutorial

This MAKER tutorial was presented by Michael Campbell at GMOD Malaysia 2014, February

  1. This tutorial requires MAKER version 2.x.

The most recent MAKER tutorial can be found at the MAKER Tutorial page.

This tutorial uses the AWS AMI ‘ named ‘ in the ‘


Get MAKER Bling!



MAKER is an easy-to-use genome annotation pipeline designed for small research groups with little bioinformatics experience. However, MAKER is also designed to be scalable and is thus appropriate for projects of any size including use by large sequence centers. MAKER can be used for de novo annotation of newly sequenced genomes, for updating existing annotations to reflect new evidence, or just to combine annotations, evidence, and quality control statistics for use with other GMOD programs like GBrowse, JBrowse, Chado, and Apollo.

MAKER has been used in many genome annotation projects:

Introduction to Genome Annotation

What Are Annotations?

Annotations are descriptions of different features of the genome, and they can be structural or functional in nature.


To use this feature, you must have MPICH2 installed with the the --enable-sharedlibs flag set during installation (See MPICH2 Installer’s Guide). Or openmpi and allow shared libraries by adding a line like this to your profile --export LD_PRELOAD=/home/ubuntu/applications/maker/exe/openmpi/lib/$LD_PRELOAD I have installed this for you. So let’s set up MPI_MAKER and run the example file that comes with MAKER.

 cd /usr/local/maker/src
 perl Build.PL

Say Yes that we want to build for MPI support

 ./Build install

Set values in maker configuration files.


We need to set up a few more things for MPI to work. Type mpd to see a list of instructions.


You should see the following.

configuration file /home/ubuntu/.mpd.conf not found
A file named .mpd.conf file must be present in the user's home
directory (/etc/mpd.conf if root) with read and write access
only for the user, and must contain at least a line with:
One way to safely create this file is to do the following:
 cd $HOME
 touch .mpd.conf
 chmod 600 .mpd.conf
and then use an editor to insert a line like
into the file. (Of course use some other secret word than mr45-j9z.)

Follow the instructions to set this file up, and start the mpi environment with mpdboot. Then run maker through the MPI manager mpiexec.

 mpiexec -n 2 maker </dev/null

mpiexec is a wrapper that handles the MPI environment. The -n 2 flag tells mpiexec to use 2 cpus/nodes when running maker. For a large cluster, this could be set to something like 100. You should now know how to start a MAKER job via MPI.

MAKER Accessory Scripts

MAKER comes with a number of accessory scripts that assist in manipulations of the MAKER input and output files.


 cegma2zff <cegma_gff> <genome_fasta>
 chado2gff3 [OPTION] <database_name>
 compare [OPTION] <database_name> <gff3_file>
 cufflinks2gff3 <transcripts1.gtf> <transcripts2.gtf> ...
 mpi_evaluator [options] <eval_opts> <eval_bopts> <eval_exe>
 fasta_merge -d <datastore_index> -o <outfile>
 genemark_gtf2gff3 <filename>
 gff3_merge -d <datastore_index> -o <outfile>
 maker2eval_gtf <maker_gff3_file>
 iprscan2gff3 <iprscan_file> <gff3_fasta>
 ipr_update_gff <gff3_file> <iprscan_file>
 maker2chado [OPTION] <database_name> <gff3file1> <gff3file2> ...
  maker2chado [OPTION] <database_name> <gff3file1> <gff3file2> ...
 maker2zff <gff3_file>
 maker_functional_fasta <uniprot_fasta> <blast_output> <fasta1> <fasta2> <fasta3> ...
 maker_functional_gff <uniprot_fasta> <blast_output> <gff3_1>
 maker_map_ids --prefix PYU1_ --justify 6 genome.all.gff >
 map2assembly <genome.fasta> <transcripts.fasta>
 map_data_ids data.txt
 map_fasta_ids <map_file> <fasta_file>
 map_gff_ids <map_file> <gff3_file>
 tophat2gff3 <junctions.bed>


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