Property:Has title

This is a property of type Text.

Pages using the property “Has title”

Showing 25 pages using this property.


BioMart + BioMart user community  +


CMap + Gramene  +, NCGR's Legume Information System  +, BeeBase  +,
Canto + Generic Gene Ontology Canto  +, PomBase Canto  +


DIYA + DIYA: a bacterial annotation pipeline for any genomics lab.  +


GBrowse + WormBase  +, FlyBase  +, HapMap  +
GBrowse syn + The Arabidopsis Information Resource  +, WormBase  +, Sol Genomics  +,
GO::TermFinder + GO::TermFinder--open source software for accessing Gene Ontology information and finding significantly enriched Gene Ontology terms associated with a list of genes.  +
Galaxy + Galaxy source code documentation  +, Galaxy publication library  +, ully supported, publicly accessible platforms for using Galaxy  +,


InterMine + InterMine source at GitHub  +, FlyMine  +, YeastMine  +,


JBrowse + JBrowse demos  +, Ice Man Genome  +, Genomes Unzipped: Public Personal Genomics  +,
JBrowse2 + JBrowse demos  +
JimHu/Gbrowse + The generic genome browser: a building block for a model organism system database.  +


MAKER + MAKER Web Annotation Server  +, Ant Genomes Portal  +, MAKER-P  +,


News/GMOD Paper Cuts, Dec 6th, 2013 + The king cobra genome reveals dynamic gene evolution and adaptation in the snake venom system  +, The Burmese python genome reveals the molecular basis for extreme adaptation in snakes  +, PortEco: a resource for exploring bacterial biology through high-throughput data and analysis tools  +,
News/GMOD Paper Cuts, Feb 10th, 2014 + Finding the missing honey bee genes: lessons learned from a genome upgrade  +, Highly Specific and Efficient CRISPR/Cas9-Catalyzed Homology-Directed Repair in Drosophila  +, Analysis of Global Gene Expression in Brachypodium distachyon Reveals Extensive Network Plasticity in Response to Abiotic Stress  +,
News/GMOD Paper Cuts, Jan 24th, 2014 + CoryneBase: Corynebacterium Genomic Resources and Analysis Tools at Your Fingertips  +, The Genome Sequence of the Fungal Pathogen Fusarium virguliforme That Causes Sudden Death Syndrome in Soybean  +, Genome of the human hookworm Necator americanus  +
News/GMOD Paper Cuts, Nov 15th, 2013 + The Aspergillus genome database: multispecies curation and incorporation of RNA-Seq data to improve structural gene annotations  +, CottonGen: a genomics, genetics and breeding database for cotton research  +, WormBase 2014: new views of curated biology  +,
News/GMOD Paper Cuts, Nov 22nd, 2013 + The Genome Database for Rosaceae (GDR): year 10 update  +, FlyBase 102--advanced approaches to interrogating FlyBase  +, FlyBase 101 - the basics of navigating FlyBase  +,
News/GMOD Paper Cuts, Nov 8th, 2013 + mRNA-Seq and microarray development for the Grooved carpet shell clam, Ruditapes decussatus: a functional approach to unravel host -parasite interaction  +, The database of genomic variants: a curated collection of structural variation in the human genome  +, Meta-analysis of 74,046 individuals identifies 11 new susceptibility loci for Alzheimer's disease  +,


Pathway Tools + Pathway Tools version 13.0: integrated software for pathway/genome informatics and systems biology.  +, An advanced web query interface for biological databases.  +, The pathway tools pathway prediction algorithm.  +,


Site Guidelines + mRNA-Seq and microarray development for the Grooved carpet shell clam, Ruditapes decussatus: a functional approach to unravel host -parasite interaction  +, Tripal: a construction toolkit for online genome databases.  +


Textpresso + Textpresso User Guide  +, Textpresso for Sea Urchin  +, Textpresso for S. cerevisiae  +,
Tripal + Tripal Home  +, Download and Install Tripal  +


WebApollo + Trellis server  +, WebApollo demo - Bos taurus genome  +, WebApollo download  +,
WebApollo2 + Client and server  +, WebApollo2 demo  +, WebApollo download  +


Has typeThis property is a special property in this wiki. Text +


