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| | | |—-|—-| | Available on platform | linux  + , os x  + , unix  + | | Has URL |  + ,  + ,  + ,  + ,  + ,  + | | Has description | online version of the MAKER tool  + , The ant genomes were annotated using MAKER.  + , MAKER is an easy-to-configure, portable geMAKER is an easy-to-configure, portable genome [[:Category%253AAnnotation|annotation]] pipeline. MAKER allows smaller ‘‘eukaryotic’’ genome projects and ‘‘prokaryotic’’ genome projects to annotate their genomes and to create genome databases. MAKER identifies repeats, aligns ESTs and proteins to a genome, produces ‘‘ab initio’’ gene predictions and automatically synthesizes these data into gene annotations with evidence-based quality values. MAKER is also easily trainable: outputs of preliminary runs can be used to automatically retrain its gene prediction algorithm, producing higher quality gene-models on subsequent runs. MAKER’s inputs are minimal. Its outputs are in [[GFF3]] or [[Glossary#FASTA|FASTA]] format, and can be directly loaded into [[Chado]], [[GBrowse]], [[JBrowse]], [[WebApollo]] or [[Apollo]]. For those annotating novel plant genomes, the [ MAKER-P pipeline] is designed to make the annotation tractable for small groups with limited bioinformatics experience and resources, and faster and more transparent for large groups with more experience and resources. The MAKER-P pipeline generates species-specific repeat libraries, as well as structural annotations of protein coding genes, non-coding RNAs, and pseudogenes. The [ MAKER-P website] has more information on the additional protocols for plant genome annotation. Additional MAKER options and capabilities include: * Map old annotation sets on to new assemblies. * Merge multiple legacy annotation sets into a consensus set of annotations. * Update existing annotations to take new evidence into account. * Tag pre-existing gene models with evidence alignments and quality control metrics to assist in downstream manual curation. * Use GFF3 pass-through to include both evidence alignments and predicted gene models from algorithms not natively supported by MAKER. * MAKER is <abbr title=”message-passing interface”>MPI</abbr>-capable for rapid parallelization across computer clusters. * You can also easily integrate raw InterProScan results into MAKER, which will identify protein domains; add GO functional categories; and help assign putative gene functions to genome annotations. This data then becomes accessible as part of the GFF3 output and can be loaded into a [[Chado]] database, [[JBrowse]], [[GBrowse]], [[WebApollo]] or [[Apollo]]. MAKER comes with sample data for testing purposes. See the <tt>/data</tt> directory in the</tt> directory in the download.  + , Review article on eukaryotic genome annotation from the MAKER team.  + , MAKER with additional software for plant genome annotation  + | | Has development status | active  + | | Has input format | [[GFF3]]  + , [[Glossary#FASTA|FASTA]]  + | | Has licence | [ GNU GPL (for academics)]  + , [ Artistic License 2.0 (for academics)]  + , custom license for commercial usage  + | | Has logo | MAKERLogo.png  + | | Has output format | [[GFF3]]  + , [[Glossary#FASTA|FASTA]]  + | | Has software maturity status | mature  + | | Has support status | active  + | | Has title | MAKER Web Annotation Server  + , Ant Genomes Portal  + , MAKER-P  + , A beginner’s guide to eukaryotic genome annotation  + | | Has topic | MAKER + | | Is open source | Caveats apply  + | | Link type | download  + , source code  + , website  + , public server  + , publication  + , other  + | | Release date | 2008  + | | Tool functionality or classification | Genome Annotation  + | | Written in language | Perl  + | | Has queryThis property is a special property in this wiki. | MAKER + , MAKER + , MAKER + , MAKER + , MAKER + , MAKER + , MAKER + , MAKER + , MAKER + , MAKER + | | Has improper value forThis property is a special property in this wiki. | Link type  + | | Categories | GMOD Components  + , MAKER  + , Annotation  + , GMOD Component  + , SemanticLink  + | | Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. | 2 February 2014 21:53:48  + | | Has subobjectThis property is a special property in this wiki. | MAKER# + , MAKER# + , MAKER# + , MAKER# + , MAKER# + , MAKER# + |

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GMOD Malaysia 2014/MAKER Tutorial + , MAKER + , MAKER Tutorial 2010 + , MAKER Tutorial 2011 + , MAKER Tutorial 2012 + Has topic
WebApollo + , WebApollo2 + Interacts with


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