
The GMOD web site makes extensive use of category tags to flag pages as being related to various topics. Category tags give users an alternative way to navigate the web site, and editors are encouraged to add tags when they create or modify pages. We strive for each page have at least one category tag.

There is also a list of pages without any category tags.

Category <a href=”” class=”extiw”

title=”wp:Tag Cloud”>Tag Cloud</a></span>

!FixAfterUpgrade  !Lacking ERD  2011 Spring Training  2012 Summer School  2013 Summer School  AJAX  Analysis  Annotation  ApiDB  Apollo  BLAST  BioDIG  BioMart  BioPerl  Biology  CMap  Canto  Categories  Chado  Chado FlyBase  Chado Modules  Chado Presentations  Cloud  Community Annotation  Comparative Genomics  Computing  Conferences  Configuration  DAS  Database  Database Tools  Deprecated  DictyBase  Documentation  Drupal  ERD  Education and Outreach  Ergatis  Events  Evolution  Expression  External  FAQ  File Formats  FlyBase  GBrowse  GBrowse 2  GBrowse Developer  GBrowse Plugins  GBrowse syn  GFF  GFF3  GMODWeb  GMOD Best Practices  GMOD Community  GMOD Component  GMOD Components  GMOD Developers  GMOD Evo Hackathon  GMOD Online Training  GMOD Project  GMOD Project Logos  GMOD Project Presentations  GMOD Schools  GMOD Tools  GMOD Web Site  GMOD in the Cloud  GMOD virtual server  GSOC  GSoC  Galaxy  Generic Gene Pages  Gramene  HOWTO  Help  IGS  Install  InterMine  JBrowse  Java  Javascript  Jobs  Linux  Logos and Icons  LuceGene  MAKER  MGI  MOD UI Presentations  MOD User Interfaces  Mac OS X  Meetings  Member Logos  Microarrays  Middleware  Middleware Presentations  Modware  MySQL  NGS  Natural Diversity  Needs Editing  Needs Testing  News Items  Ontologies  Pages containing blacklisted links  Pages with broken file links  Pages with problems or questions  Paper Cuts  ParameciumDB  Pathway Tools  Performance  Perl  Phenotypes  Posters  PostgreSQL  Presentations  Proposals  PubSearch  Publications  REST  RGD  RPC  Rails  Reactome  SAMtools  SGD  SGN  SOBA  Screenshots  SemanticLink  Semantic web  Session  Social Media  Software Engineer  Sybil  TAIR  TableEdit  Template  Textpresso  Tool data  Tools using GMOD  Tripal  Turnkey  Tutorial  Tutorials  Under Construction  Unsupported  User Experiences  Users  Visualization  WFleaBase  WebApollo  WebGBrowse  Web services  Webapollo  Webapollo-minutes  Wiki Tools  Windows  WormBase  XML  XORT

Category Tree

Categories can be nested hierarchically. For example, the GMOD Components category contains several subcategories for individual components (such as Apollo and GBrowse).

Eventually this section will list the categories in a tree format. It doesn’t do that now because the extensions I can find that do this (CategoryTree and NiceCategoryList2) require the creation of a single root category which all other top level categories are made subcategories of. This strikes me as too much maintenance.

If you have any suggestions on how to display categories in a tree format, please send them to the GMOD Help Desk.



