Browse wiki

<a href=”/wiki/JBrowseDev/Main” class=”mw-redirect”  

| | | |—-|—-| | Available on platform | web  + | | Has URL |  + ,  + ,  + ,  + ,  + ,  + ,  + ,  + ,  + | | Has description | Browse the genome of Ötzi the ice man  + , JBrowse is a genome browser with a fully dJBrowse is a genome browser with a fully dynamic AJAX interface, being developed as the eventual successor to GBrowse. It is very fast and scales well to large datasets. JBrowse is javascript-based and does almost all of its work directly in the user’s web browser, with minimal requirements for the server. ===Features=== *Fast, smooth scrolling and zooming. Explore your genome with unparalleled speed. *Scales easily to multi-gigabase genomes and deep-coverage sequencing. *Supports GFF3, BED, FASTA, Wiggle, BigWig, BAM, VCF (with tabix), REST, and more. BAM, BigWig, and VCF data are displayed directly from the compressed binary file with no conversion needed. *Very light server resource requirements. In fact, JBrowse has no back-end server code, just tools for formatting data files to be read directly over HTTP. Serve huge datasets from a single low-cost cloud instance.ets from a single low-cost cloud instance.  + | | Has development status | active  + | | Has input format | [[GFF3]]  + , BED  + , FASTA  + , WIG  + , BedGraph  + , Bio::DB::*  + , UCSC  + , Wiggle  + , BigWig  + , BAM  + | | Has licence | [ LGPL]  + , [ Artistic License 2.0]  + | | Has logo | JBrowseLogo.png  + | | Has software maturity status | mature  + | | Has support status | active  + | | Has title | JBrowse demos  + , Ice Man Genome  + , Genomes Unzipped: Public Personal Genomics  + , BeetleBase  + , The Jane-Ome, medicinal marijuana project  + | | Has topic | JBrowse + | | Is open source | Yes  + | | Link type | download  + , social media  + , website  + , source code  + , demo server  + , wild URL  + | | Release date | 2008  + | | Tool functionality or classification | Genome visualization  + | | Written in language | Javascript  + , Perl  + | | Has queryThis property is a special property in this wiki. | JBrowse + , JBrowse + , JBrowse + , JBrowse + , JBrowse + , JBrowse + , JBrowse + , JBrowse + , JBrowse + , JBrowse + | | Categories | JBrowse  + , GMOD Components  + , AJAX  + , GMOD Component  + , SemanticLink  + | | Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. | 15 April 2016 19:18:52  + | | Has subobjectThis property is a special property in this wiki. | JBrowse# + , JBrowse# + , JBrowse# + , JBrowse# + , JBrowse# + , JBrowse#‎ + , JBrowse# + , JBrowse# + , JBrowse# + |

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| | | |—-|—-| | GMOD Malaysia 2014/JBrowse Tutorial + , JBrowse + , JBrowse Tutorial 2010 + , JBrowse Tutorial 2013 + , JBrowse Tutorial PAG 2015 + , JBrowse Tutorial PAG 2016 + , JBrowse Tutorial PAG 2017 + , JBrowse Tutorial PAG 2018 + , JBrowse Tutorial PAG 2019 + , JBrowse Tutorial PAG 2020 + , JBrowse Tutorial Programming for Biology 2014 + , JBrowse Tutorial Programming for Biology 2015 + , JBrowse Tutorial Programming for Biology 2016 + | Has topic | | InterMine + , WebApollo + , WebApollo2 + | Interacts with | | JBrowseDev/Installation + , JBrowseDev/Main + , Jbrowse + | redirect page |



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