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News/GMOD Paper Cuts, Nov 8th, 2013  
Date published 2013  +
Has DOI 10.1186/1471-2164-14-741  + , 10.1093/nar/gkt958  + , 10.1038/ng.2802  + , 10.1534/genetics.113.158857  + , 10.1186/1471-2105-14-180  +
Has author Leite RB  + , Milan M  + , Coppe A  + , Bortoluzzi S  + , dos Anjos Aón  + , Reinhardt R  + , Saavedra C  + , Patarnello T  + , Cancela M  + , Bargelloni L  + , MacDonald JR  + , Ziman R  + , Yuen RKC  + , Feuk L  + , Scherer SW  + , Lambert JC  + , Ibrahim-Verbaas CA  + , Harold D  + , Naj AC  + , Sims R  + , Bellenguez Cél  + , Jun G  + , DeStefano AL  + , Bis JC  + , Beecham GW  + , Grenier-Boley B  + , Russo G  + , Thornton-Wells TA  + , Jones N  + , Smith AV  + , Chouraki V  + , Thomas C  + , Ikram MA  + , Zelenika D  + , Vardarajan BN  + , Kamatani Y  + , Lin CF  + , Gerrish A  + , Schmidt H  + , Kunkle B  + , Dunstan ML  + , Ruiz A  + , Bihoreau MTérès  + , Choi SH  + , Reitz C  + , Pasquier F  + , Hollingworth P  + , Ramirez A  + , Hanon O  + , Fitzpatrick AL  + , Buxbaum JD  + , Campion D  + , Crane PK  + , Baldwin C  + , Becker T  + , Gudnason V  + , Cruchaga C  + , Craig D  + , Amin N  + , Berr C  + , Lopez OL  + , De Jager PL  + , Deramecourt V  + , Johnston JA  + , Evans D  + , Lovestone S  + , Letenneur L  + , Morón FJ  + , Rubinsztein DC  + , Eiriksdottir G  + , Sleegers K  + , Goate AM  + , Fiévet N  + , Huentelman MJ  + , Gill M  + , Brown K  + , Kamboh MI  + , Keller L  + , Barberger-Gateau P  + , McGuinness B  + , Larson EB  + , Green R  + , Myers AJ  + , Dufouil C  + , Todd S  + , Wallon D  + , Love S  + , Rogaeva E  + , Gallacher J  + , St George-Hyslop P  + , Clarimon J  + , Lleo A  + , Bayer A  + , Tsuang DW  + , Yu L  + , Tsolaki M  + , Bossù P  + , Spalletta G  + , Proitsi P  + , Collinge J  + , Sorbi S  + , Sanchez-Garcia F  + , Fox NC  + , Hardy J  + , Naranjo MCD  + , Bosco P  + , Clarke R  + , Brayne C  + , Galimberti D  + , Mancuso M  + , Matthews F  + , Moebus S  + , Mecocci P  + , Del Zompo M  + , Maier W  + , Hampel H  + , Pilotto A  + , Bullido M  + , Panza F  + , Caffarra P  + , Nacmias B  + , Gilbert JR  + , Mayhaus M  + , Lannfelt L  + , Hakonarson H  + , Pichler S  + , Carrasquillo MM  + , Ingelsson M  + , Beekly D  + , Alvarez V  + , Zou F  + , Valladares O  + , Younkin SG  + , Coto E  + , Hamilton-Nelson KL  + , Gu W  + , Razquin C  + , Pastor P  + , Mateo I  + , Owen MJ  + , Faber KM  + , Jonsson PV  + , Combarros O  + , O’Donovan MC  + , Cantwell LB  + , Soininen H  + , Blacker D  + , Mead S  + , Mosley TH  + , Bennett DA  + , Harris TB  + , Fratiglioni L  + , Holmes C  + , de Bruijn RFAG  + , Passmore P  + , Montine TJ  + , Bettens K  + , Rotter JI  + , Brice A  + , Morgan K  + , Foroud TM  + , Kukull WA  + , Hannequin D  + , Powell JF  + , Nalls MA  + , Ritchie K  + , Lunetta KL  + , Kauwe JSK  + , Boerwinkle E  + , Riemenschneider M  + , Boada Mè  + , Hiltunen M  + , Martin ER  + , Schmidt R  + , Rujescu D  + , Wang LS  + , Dartigues JFço  + , Mayeux R  + , Tzourio C  + , Hofman A  + , Nöthen MM  + , Graff C  + , Psaty BM  + , Jones L  + , Haines JL  + , Holmans PA  + , Lathrop M  + , Pericak-Vance MA  + , Launer LJ  + , Farrer LA  + , van Duijn CM  + , Van Broeckhoven C  + , Moskvina V  + , Seshadri S  + , Williams J  + , Schellenberg GD  + , Amouyel P  + , Kaur T  + , Rockman MV  + , Miyoshi NS  + , Pinheiro DG  + , Silva WAúj  + , Felipe JC  +
Has publication details BMC Genomics 14:1 741  + , BMC Bioinformatics 14:1 180  + , Nucleic Acids Research :  + , Nature Genetics :  + , Genetics :  +
Has title mRNA-Seq and microarray development for the Grooved carpet shell clam, Ruditapes decussatus: a functional approach to unravel host -parasite interaction  + , The database of genomic variants: a curated collection of structural variation in the human genome  + , Meta-analysis of 74,046 individuals identifies 11 new susceptibility loci for Alzheimer’s disease  + , Crossover Heterogeneity in the Absence of Hotspots in Caenorhabditis elegans  + , Computational framework to support integration of biomolecular and clinical data within a translational approach  +
Published in BMC Genomics  + , Nucleic Acids Research  + , Nature Genetics  + , Genetics  + , BMC Bioinformatics  +
Categories News Items  + , Paper Cuts  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 9 November 2013 00:28:48  +

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