MAKER/tool data

This page stores the data that populates the MAKER wiki page.

| name = MAKER | full_name = | status = mature | dev = active | support = active | type = Genome Annotation | platform = linux, os x, unix | logo = MAKERLogo.png | home = | about = MAKER is a portable and easy to configure genome annotation pipeline. MAKER allows smaller eukaryotic genome projects and prokaryotic genome projects to annotate their genomes and to create genome databases. MAKER identifies repeats, aligns ESTs and proteins to a genome, produces ab initio gene predictions and automatically synthesizes these data into gene annotations with evidence-based quality values. MAKER is also easily trainable: outputs of preliminary runs can be used to automatically retrain its gene prediction algorithm, producing higher quality gene-models on subsequent runs. MAKER’s inputs are minimal. Its outputs are in GFF3 or FASTA format, and can be directly loaded into Chado, GBrowse, JBrowse or Apollo.

Additional MAKER options/capabilities include:

MAKER comes with sample data for testing purposes. See the /data directory in the download. | screenshot =

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