
Galaxy logo



} is open source

Academic Free License 3.0


Facts about “Galaxy

Available on platform web +
Has URL +, +, +, +, +, +, +, + and +
Has description Galaxy is an Galaxy is an open, web-based platform for accessible, reproducible, and transparent computational biomedical research.
  • Accessibility: Galaxy enables users without programming experience to easily specify parameters and run tools and workflows.
  • Reproducibility: Galaxy captures all information necessary so that any user can repeat and understand a complete computational analysis.
  • Transparency: Galaxy enables users to share and publish analyses via the web and create Pages--interactive, web-based documents that describe a complete analysis.

Galaxy is open source for all organizations and is available on a wide variety of platforms and publicly accessible websites. Galaxy servers make analysis tools, genomic data, tutorial demonstrations, persistent workspaces, and publication services available to any scientist that has access to the Internet. Local Galaxy servers can be set up by downloading the Galaxy application and customizing it to meet particular needs.

link= 2019 Galaxy Community Conference

2019 Galaxy Community Conference

The 2019 Galaxy Community Conference (GCC2019) will be held 1-6 July, in Freiburg Germany. Galaxy Community Conferences are an opportunity to participate in presentations, discussions, poster sessions, lightning talks and breakouts, all about high-throughput biology and the tools that support it.  The 2019 conference includes training that offers in-depth topic coverage across several concurrent sessions, and a CollaborationFest.current sessions, and a CollaborationFest. and Fully supported, publicly accessible platforms for using Galaxy
Has development status active +
Has input format Roadmaps +, Sequences +, ab1 +, affybatch +, afg +, axt +, bam +, bcf +, bed +, bedgraph +, bigbed +, bigwig +, bowtie_base_index +, bowtie_color_index +, chrint +, cisml +, csfasta +, csv +, eland +, elandmulti +, encodepeak +, eset +, fasta +, fastq +, fastqcssanger +, fastqillumina +, fastqsanger +, fastqsolexa +, fli +, fped +, fphe +, fqtoc +, gatk_dbsnp +, gatk_interval +, gatk_recal +, gatk_report +, gatk_tranche +, gd_indivs +, gd_ped +, gd_sap +, gd_snp +, GFF +, GFF3 +, gtf +, interval +, lav +, ldindep +, len +, linecount +, lped +, maf +, malist +, memexml +, nex +, nhx +, pbed +, phyloxml +, picard_interval_list +, pileup +, pphe +, qual454 +, qualillumina +, qualsolexa +, qualsolid +, sam +, scf +, sff +, snpmatrix +, snptest +, tabular +, taxonomy +, twobit +, txt +, vcf +, velvet +, wig + and xml +
Has licence Academic Free License 3.0 +
Has logo GalaxyLogoBigger.png +
Has output format zillions! +
Has software maturity status mature +
Has support status active +
Has title Galaxy source code documentation +, Galaxy publication library +, ully supported, publicly accessible platforms for using Galaxy + and List of Galaxy Produced Software +
Has topic Galaxy +
Is open source Yes +
Link type download +, source code +, documentation +, website +, social media +, other +, public server + and wild URL +
Release date 2005 +
Tool functionality or classification Genome Visualization and Editing +, Workflow Management +, Tool Integration + and Analysis +
Written in language Python + and XML +
Has subobjectThis property is a special property in this wiki. Galaxy# +, Galaxy# +, Galaxy# +, Galaxy# +, Galaxy# +, Galaxy# +, Galaxy# +, Galaxy# + and Galaxy# +


