
Quick info about me

GMOD usage & development

I developed the system for bulk loading hundreds of millions of records into chado from BSML files at TIGR back in 2003. The system continues to evolve at IGS.

I developed papyrus pipelines (later called ergatis-workflow pipelines) at TIGR (2003-2006) and JCVI (2006-2009).

Employment History

Senior Bioinformatics Engineer (8/2009 – present)
The Computational Genomics Laboratory
Department of Biology
Georgetown University

Senior Bioinformatics Engineer (2008-7/2009)
Annotation Engineering Department
The J. Craig Venter Institute
Rockville, MD

Bioinformatics Engineer II (8/2006 – 2008)
Informatics Department
The J. Craig Venter Institute

Bioinformatics Engineer II (1/2003 – 8/2006)
Informatics Department
The Institute For Genomic Research
Rockville, MD

Bioinformatics Software Engineer Contractor (5/2002 – 1/2003)
Scientific Computing Department
Aventis Pharmaceuticals
Bridgewater, NJ


M.Sc. Computer Science with concentration in Software Engineering (2004-2007)
The Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore/Rockville, MD
B.Sc. Biology and Computer Science (1998-2001)
Concordia University
Montreal, Canada


