This HOWTO provides several sample SQL queries to view basic genome data from a Chado database. Some of these are drawn from the GMODTools configuration file GMODTools/conf/bulkfiles/chadofeatsql.xml Example output of some of these is shown in the tables at
The simplest way to test contents of a Chado database is with the psql command line program that is part of the PostgreSQL software. The following sample SQL code can be used this way from a Unix or MacOSX command line.
dgbook% psql -l
List of databases
Name | Owner | Encoding
dev_chado_01b | gilbertd | SQL_ASCII
dgbook% psql dev_chado_01b
dev_chado_01b=# select organism_id,count(*) from feature group by organism_id;
organism_id | count
7 | 8
6 | 10
3 | 10
10 | 1605
This lists organisms and number of features per organism.
SELECT o.organism_id,o.abbreviation,o.genus,o.species,o.common_name,
count(f.feature_id) as n_features, o.comment
FROM organism o LEFT JOIN feature f USING (organism_id)
GROUP by o.organism_id,o.abbreviation,o.genus,o.species,o.common_name,o.comment
ORDER BY o.genus,o.species
sample result
Organism_id Abbreviation Genus Species Common_name N_features Comment
105 \N Abrostola asclepiadis \N 1 \N
1 Dmel Drosophila melanogaster fruit fly 725035 \N
214 Dpse Drosophila pseudoobscura \N 137045 \N
This lists number of features and sequences by species and type.
f.type_id, as Feature_type,
count(f.feature_id) as N_features,
sum(length(f.residues)) as N_residues,
sum(f.seqlen) as Tot_len,
ROUND( AVG(f.seqlen), 0 ) as Ave_len,
MIN(f.seqlen) as Min_len,
MAX(f.seqlen) as Max_len,
(select genus || '_' || species from organism where organism_id = f.organism_id) as Species
FROM feature f, cvterm t
WHERE f.type_id = t.cvterm_id
GROUP BY f.organism_id, f.type_id,
ORDER BY species, feature_type
Sample result
Type_id Feature_type N_features N_residues Tot_len Ave_len Min_len Max_len Species
256 EST 308722 143832868 \N \N \N \N Drosophila_melanogaster
562 cDNA 13464 26962334 \N \N \N \N Drosophila_melanogaster
210 chromosome_arm 14 246701062 246701062 18977005 1237870 27905053 Drosophila_melanogaster
257 exon 64498 \N 31208553 484 3 27725 Drosophila_melanogaster
219 gene 14828 \N 70649778 4899 16 171463 Drosophila_melanogaster
720 insertion_site 622 \N 28 0 0 1 Drosophila_melanogaster
368 mRNA 19389 44104476 44104476 2275 132 69571 Drosophila_melanogaster
450 miRNA 66 1498 1498 23 20 29 Drosophila_melanogaster
426 ncRNA 116 115179 115179 993 19 14084 Drosophila_melanogaster
733 point_mutation 1444 \N 43 1 1 1 Drosophila_melanogaster
499 polyA_site 122 \N \N \N \N \N Drosophila_melanogaster
1179 protein 22219 12111034 10921981 563 25 23015 Drosophila_melanogaster
This is an extention of feature summary, to identify source features. These are the chromosomes, scaffolds, contigs or other features on which other (genes, etc.) are located. It is essential for Chado software to know about these source features. If you are working with someone else’s Chado database, this query will tell you explicitly which features contain others.
f.type_id, as Feature_type,
count(f.feature_id) as N_features,
sum(length(f.residues)) as N_residues,
sum(f.seqlen) as Tot_len,
sum(CASE WHEN fl.srcfeature_id = f.feature_id THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as N_issource,
sum(CASE WHEN fl.feature_id = f.feature_id THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as N_istarget,
(select genus || '_' || species from organism where organism_id = f.organism_id) as Species
FROM cvterm t, feature f
left join featureloc fl on (fl.srcfeature_id = f.feature_id or fl.feature_id = f.feature_id)
WHERE f.type_id = t.cvterm_id
GROUP BY f.organism_id, f.type_id,
ORDER BY species, feature_type
See the n_issource column for source features, the n_istarget lists the target features contained in sources.
type_id feature_type n_features n_residues tot_len n_issource n_istarget
66 centromere 16 1883 0 16
64 chromosome 146644 132193461745 132193461745 146644 0
124 gene 6609 8889442 0 6609
133 intron 392 122291 0 392
156 ncRNA 483 76213 0 483
Note the n_issource count is the number of features contained in the chromosomes, not number of chromosomes (see above feature_summary for that).
This lists analyses and number of features per analysis.
CASE WHEN (an.sourcename IS NULL OR an.sourcename = 'dummy') THEN 'match:' || an.program
ELSE 'match:' || an.program || ':' || an.sourcename
END AS Analysis_type,
count(f.feature_id) as N_features,
ROUND( (AVG(af.rawscore)::numeric), 2 ) as Ave_score,
ROUND( (AVG(af.significance)::numeric), 2 ) as Ave_sig,
(select genus || '_' || species from organism where organism_id = f.organism_id) as Species
FROM feature f, analysisfeature af, analysis an
WHERE an.analysis_id = af.analysis_id and af.feature_id = f.feature_id
GROUP BY f.organism_id, an.analysis_id, Analysis_type
ORDER BY species, Analysis_type
Sample result
Analysis_id Analysis_type N_features Ave_score Ave_sig Species
68 match:aubrey_cytolocator:cytology 5770 \N \N Computational_result
70 match:augustus 60764 \N \N Computational_result
53 match:blastx_masked:aa_SPTR.insect 53629 200.60 \N Computational_result
44 match:repeatmasker 23486 3922.55 \N Computational_result
78 match:tblastn:Dmel r3.1 12179 \N \N Computational_result
Specifying the sequence ontology section of the cv and cvterm tables is a small but essential bit of a Chado database that software needs for configuration. Not everyone uses the same name, though Sequence Ontology Feature Annotation is recommended.
select cv_id,name from cv where cv_id in (select cv_id from cvterm where name = 'exon');
cv_id name
8 Sequence Ontology Feature Annotation
9 Sequence Ontology
This lists properties and number of features per analysis.
fp.type_id, as Property_type,
count(fp.featureprop_id) as N_properties,
count(distinct f.feature_id) as N_features,
count(distinct fp.value) as N_values,
(select genus || '_' || species from organism where organism_id = f.organism_id) as Species
FROM feature f, featureprop fp, cvterm t
WHERE fp.type_id = t.cvterm_id and fp.feature_id = f.feature_id
GROUP BY f.organism_id, fp.type_id,
ORDER BY Species, Property_type
Sample result
Type_id Property_type N_properties N_features N_values Species
57127 citation 5467 4073 1141 Drosophila_melanogaster
59945 comment 13005 9699 11264 Drosophila_melanogaster
7 description 312199 312196 312171 Drosophila_melanogaster
59954 dicistronic 109 109 1 Drosophila_melanogaster
59959 mutant_in_strain 14 14 5 Drosophila_melanogaster
59951 non_canonical_splice_site 488 488 2 Drosophila_melanogaster
59953 problem 6350 6350 12 Drosophila_melanogaster
This is a sample gene page view to list most attributes for a gene feature. NOTE: this kind of multi-table join view can be very slow to execute on a large genome database.
Usage: dev_chado_01c=# select v.* from v_genepage2 v join feature as f using (feature_id) where = ‘PAU1’;
(feature_id, field, value)
SELECT feature_id AS feature_id, 'Name' as field, name as value FROM feature
SELECT feature_id AS feature_id, 'uniquename' as field, uniquename as value FROM feature
SELECT feature_id AS feature_id, 'seqlen' as field, cast(seqlen as text) as value FROM feature
SELECT f.feature_id AS feature_id, 'type' as field, as value
FROM feature f, cvterm c WHERE f.type_id = c.cvterm_id
SELECT f.feature_id AS feature_id, 'organism' as field, o.abbreviation as value
FROM feature f, organism o WHERE f.organism_id = o.organism_id
SELECT fs.feature_id AS feature_id,
CASE WHEN fs.is_current IS FALSE THEN 'Synonym_2nd' ELSE 'Synonym' END AS field, as value
FROM feature_synonym fs, synonym s
WHERE fs.synonym_id = s.synonym_id
SELECT f.feature_id AS feature_id, 'Dbxref' as field,||':'||gx.accession as value
FROM feature f, db gd, dbxref gx
WHERE f.dbxref_id = gx.dbxref_id and gx.db_id = gd.db_id
SELECT fs.feature_id AS feature_id,
CASE WHEN fs.is_current IS FALSE THEN 'Dbxref obsolete' ELSE 'Dbxref 2' END AS field,
( || ':' || s.accession)::text AS value
FROM feature_dbxref fs, dbxref s, db d
WHERE fs.dbxref_id = s.dbxref_id and s.db_id = d.db_id
SELECT fc.feature_id AS feature_id, AS field,
substr(,1,40) || '; '|| dx.accession AS value
FROM feature_cvterm fc, cvterm cv, cv c, dbxref dx
WHERE fc.cvterm_id = cv.cvterm_id and cv.cv_id = c.cv_id
and cv.dbxref_id = dx.dbxref_id
SELECT fp.feature_id AS feature_id, AS field, fp.value AS value
FROM featureprop fp, cvterm cv
WHERE fp.type_id = cv.cvterm_id
SELECT fl.feature_id AS feature_id, 'location' as field,
chr.uniquename ||':'|| cast( fl.fmin+1 as text) ||'..'|| cast( fl.fmax as text)
WHEN fl.strand IS NULL THEN ' '
WHEN fl.strand < 0 THEN ' [-]'
ELSE ' [+]'
END AS value
FROM featureloc fl, feature chr
WHERE fl.srcfeature_id = chr.feature_id
SELECT af.feature_id AS feature_id,
'an:' ||
WHEN a.sourcename IS NOT NULL THEN (a.program || '.' || a.sourcename)::text
ELSE a.program
END AS field,
WHEN af.rawscore IS NOT NULL THEN cast(af.rawscore as text)
WHEN af.normscore IS NOT NULL THEN cast(af.normscore as text)
WHEN af.significance IS NOT NULL THEN cast(af.significance as text)
ELSE cast(af.identity as text)
END AS value
FROM analysisfeature af, analysis a
WHERE af.analysis_id = a.analysis_id
dev_chado_01c=# select v.* from v_genepage2 v join feature as f using (feature_id) where = 'PAU1';
feature_id | field | value
23 | Name | PAU1
23 | uniquename | PAU1
23 | seqlen |
23 | type | gene
23 | organism | S.cerevisiae
23 | Synonym | PAU1
23 | Dbxref | GeneID:853232
23 | Dbxref 2 | GFF_source:GenBank
23 | Dbxref 2 | GeneID:853232
23 | gene | PAU1
23 | locus_tag | YJL223C
23 | location | NC_001142:8776..9138 [-]
The above data was loaded from Yeast GenBank Genome (i.e. not very complex)
See this Sample_Chado_gene_report for a well studied gene from FlyBase chado release 5.
Please send questions to the GMOD developers list: