That is, “Reproducing gbrowse_img functionality with JBrowse” (underscores don’t survive the Mediawiki page naming process). A current implementation of this can be seen at the WormBase staging site for the etr-1 gene, which has quite a few transcripts and so needs a “tall” JBrowse image.
While JBrowse is a terrific tool for browsing genomes, there is one piece of functionality that is missing from this excellent client-side tool: getting an image from the server with a URL request that can be dynamically inserted into a web page, like what one might want for a gene page at a model organism database.
The most common solution that is used when people need this functionality from JBrowse has been to put the needed URL in an html iframe. This approach has a few down sides:
The example code below uses JQuery but could easily be reimplemented in another framework (or vanilla JavaScript, which is how it was originally written–putting it into JQuery made it much cleaner).
The first thing to do is to fetch JBrowse into a div using an html object tag with the URL that you need to fetch in the “data” attribute of the object tag. In practice, the result looks like this:
<object id="innerJBrowse"
style="pointer-events: none; position: relative; top: -1px; left: 0px; width: 100%; height: 1273px; overflow: hidden;"
But the trick is that the object tag gets created dynamically when the page is loaded, using some simple JavaScript like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
var preembedURL = "full.html?tracks=Curated_Genes%2CClassical_alleles%2CYACs_Fosmids_Cosmids&loc=X%253A12392257..12418393&data=data%2Fc_elegans_simple";
var embed_part = "&nav=0&tracklist=0&overview=0";
$("#jbrowse-view-iframe").html('<object id="innerJBrowse" type="text/html" style="pointer-events: none; position: relative; top: -1px; left: 0px; width: 100%; height: 14px; overflow: hidden;" data="'+preembedURL+embed_part+'"></object>');
Note that the class of the div is “jbrowse-view-iframe” but of course, it’s really a div, not an iframe.
Now for a few comments about the styling of the JBrowse div. There are few neat tricks that are going on here that are important to making this work. Here they are laid out in full:
pointer-events: none;
This is one of the most important items;
pointer-effects none tells the browser to ignore anything the mouse
does inside this div, so there is no clicking on features or scrolling
with the mouse wheel.position: relative;
Makes the coordinate assignments in the next
line work -1px; left: 0px;
Positioning–put JBrowse starting at the top
left of the div.width: 100%;
Not supper important what the width is; I like 100% in
our implementation because it just fills with width of the parent.height: 14px;
This height will allow the top coordinate bar of
JBrowse be visible while it’s loading; another option is to set it to
zero so the user sees nothing while it’s loading. Finally, what was
implemented at WormBase was to place a “loading spinner” in the div
while it’s loading.overflow: hidden;
This prevents the browser from creating a scroll
bar from forming when the content gets bigger than the div height. Of
course, the scrollbar wouldn’t work anyway because of the
pointer-events setting.Below is the script used at WormBase for checking the height required
for JBrowse while it’s loading. It checks every 2 seconds if the height
needs to be changed for 30 seconds. Note that the stuff in [% .... %]
brackets are variables being substituted in by Perl’s Template::Toolkit
which drives the WormBase website.
<script type="text/javascript">
(function() {
var viewId = "#[% view_id %]";
var viewUrl = "[% view_url %]";
var innerJBrowseContainer = $jq(viewId + " .jbrowse-view-iframe");
var heightDefault = 400;
var reset = (function(innerJBrowseContainer, url) {
return function(height) {
var innerJBrowseElement = innerJBrowseContainer.find('object');
innerJBrowseElement.attr('data', url);
function updateHeight() {
var heightComputed = 0;
var jbrowseDocument = document.getElementById('innerJBrowse').contentDocument || document.getElementById('innerJBrowse').contentWindow.document;
var tracks = jbrowseDocument.getElementsByClassName('track');
for (var i=0; i < tracks.length; i++) {
var id = tracks[i].id;
if (id !== 'gridtrack' && id !== 'overviewtrack_overview_loc_track' && id !== 'static_track') {
heightComputed += tracks[i].offsetHeight;
var previousHeight = innerJBrowseElement.height();
innerJBrowseElement.height(Math.max(heightDefault, heightComputed));
WB.scrollToOffsetHeightDiff(innerJBrowseElement, previousHeight);
return heightComputed;
function progressInit(max_num_retries, num_stablization_step) {
var previousHeights = [0];
return {
isProgressComplete: function() {
return previousHeights.length > max_num_retries || (
previousHeights.length > num_stablization_step &&
previousHeights[0] !== 0 &&
previousHeights.slice(1, num_stablization_step).every(
function(prevHeight) {
return prevHeight === previousHeights[0];
updateProgress: function(newHeight) {
var progress = progressInit(30, 3);
var interval = setInterval(function() {
if (progress.isProgressComplete()) {
} else {
var newHeight = updateHeight();
}, 2000);
})(innerJBrowseContainer, viewUrl);
$jq(viewId + " .jbrowse-view-iframe").click(function(){
window.location.href = "[% jbrowse_url(taxonomy, padded_coords, bp, 0, tracks); %]";
The last piece that is required to make this really work well is for the page to open a full JBrowse instance when the image is clicked on. In this implementation, that is accomplished with the last few lines of the script in the previous sections:
$jq(viewId + " .jbrowse-view-iframe").click(function(){
window.location.href = "[% jbrowse_url(taxonomy, padded_coords, bp, 0, tracks); %]";
Where we are using the JQuery “click” method to add a click target that sits “on top of” the JBrowse image but isn’t subject to the pointer-events restriction that we placed in the first section of this outline.
Special thanks to Sibyl Gao at WormBase for taking the prototype I created and turning it into something that would actually work well in the context of a full website.