News/June 2014 WebApollo Hackathon

Berkeley Bioinformatics Open-Source Projects (BBOP) invites you to join us this summer for a WebApollo Hackathon at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, California.

When: Monday, June 2 - 6, 2014

Where: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Building 74 (B74), Room 104. 1 Cyclotron Rd, Berkeley, CA 94720

What: five days of intensive, collaborative WebApollo development!

For five days developers will work on new features of interest to their research communities, improve existing features, and collaborate on developing features of interest to other colleagues.

Participants should:

What will we do while we are there? You tell us! Send your suggestions for feature development, your questions, and any additional comments to apollo [dash] dev [at] lists [dot] lbl [dot] gov

Registration is free of charge, but tickets are required. Register online!

Participants are responsible for arranging travel and accommodation on their own.

More details: WebApollo Hackathon information

via Monica Munoz-Torres

Posted to the GMOD News on 2014-04-22



