News/ISB Leadership Nominations Open

International Society for Biocuration

The International Society for Biocuration (ISB) is a professional organization about and for biocuration. GMOD and ISB have a strong relationship and the April 2012 GMOD Meeting will be colocated with ISB’s 2012 Biocuration conference.

The 2011 ISB Executive Committee elections are next month and we are now taking nominations. The Executive Committee has 9 positions, 5 of which will be on this year’s ballot. Terms are for 2 years and committee members can run for reelection.

This is a great way to become directly involved with the work of the society, and contribute to the decisions that are taken on behalf of the biocuration community. However it also requires a commitment of a certain amount of time to the role. Typically this involves attending monthly teleconference meetings (1 hour) and following up on any action points from meetings, as well as promoting the ISB’s activities to members and non-members.

If you are interested or have questions, please contact the ISB Nominating Committee at, or see the call for nominations.


Dave Clements

on behalf of the ISB Nominating Committee:
Maria Costanzo, Dave Clements, Dawn Field, Mike Livstone, and Michele Magrane

Posted to the GMOD News on 2011/08/26



