A GMOD Workshop is being held 23-25 January in Český Krumlov, Czech Republic, as part of the Advanced Topics Workshops immediately following the Workshop on Genomics.
This will be a 3-day focused workshop experience on the installation, usage and development of a subset of GMOD Components. Particular attention will be provided to the use of Chado for genomic feature annotation, and JBrowse, GBrowse and WebApollo for for viewing, creating and editing genomic annotations in graphical environments.
→ The official application deadline has been extended to December 15.
However, later registration will be accepted dependent on availability. The registration fee is $600 USD (payment terms provided upon acceptance).
FYI: The Workshop on Genomics features some Galaxy content, and is still accepting application as well.
Posted to the GMOD News on 2011/11/17