News/GBrowse NGS Tutorial & Poster

GBrowse NGS Tutorial

A tutorial on using GBrowse 2 to visualize next generation sequencing (NGS) data is now available. The tutorial walks through how to configure the GBrowse 2 genome browser to display next generation sequencing (NGS) data using the SAMtools GBrowse adaptor, Bio::DB::Sam. This tutorial was originally taught at the Bioinformatics Australia 2009 (BA2009) GMOD Workshop. The tutorial includes a VMware image to work with and step-by-step instructions for visualizing the example human data that comes with the SAMtools package.

The tutorial includes examples showing read depth coverage, individual reads - including mismatches, using color to show alignment quality, and read-pairs.

A poster (by Scott Cain) demonstrating how to use the adaptor with GBrowse 1 and GBrowse 2 is also available.

Dave Clements
GMOD Help Desk

Posted to the GMOD News on 2009/11/04



