News/Chado 1.11 Release

I am pleased to announce the 1.11 release of Chado, the GMOD schema and related tools. The file can be downloaded from SourceForge

In this release, the schema itself has not changed since the 1.1 release in May of this year, but there have been bug fixes (see release notes; thanks to Naama Menda for those fixes) and one added functionality to the materialized view tool. This functionality was required to support full text searching that will be included in the up coming release of the Chado GBrowse adaptor, Bio::DB::Das::Chado.

Also note that the name of the release has changed: previously, releases of the Chado schema were called “gmod” (gmod-0.003, gmod-1.0, and gmod-1.1), but that led to a couple of different kinds of confusion, so with this release going forward, the releases will be called “chado-*”.

Since the schema didn’t change, if you already have a 1.1 schema and want the bug fixes and added functionality, all you need to do for installation is to go up to the install step and stop there, i.e.:

perl Makefile.PL
sudo make install

Happy GMODing and please direct questions about this release to the schema mailing list,

Scott Cain

Posted to the GMOD News on 2010/08/06



