News/2013 Meeting: Last Day For Early Birds


Early bird registration for the April 2013 GMOD Meeting closes today, so if you would like to register at the lower rate, please head over to Eventbrite ASAP!

The meeting agenda is shaping up nicely, with some interesting guest speakers including Dr. Jane Lomax from the Gene Ontology, Dr. Manuel Corpas from The Genome Analysis Centre on BioJS, Joseph Rossetto and Bren Vaughan talking about Drupal at the European Bioinformatics Institute, as well as updates on GMOD components like Galaxy, JBrowse, and Tripal.

If you would like to give a lightning talk or a longer presentation, please email the GMOD help desk and let us know!

We are assessing demand for remote attendance, so if you want to join in from the comfort of your own office (or home, car, etc.), please add your name to the Remote Attendee list or email GMOD help desk.

Posted to the GMOD News on 2013/03/21



