MOD Face Talks

MOD User InterFace Caucus , GMOD Meeting, January 2007

| Time | Slides | Talk | |—-|—-|—-| | 8:30am | PDF | Welcome, Introductions, GMOD chat: Scott Cain | | 8:50 | PDF | Intro to MOD Faces: Don Gilbert | | 9:00 | PDF | SGD: Dianna Fisk | | 9:25 | PDF | TAIR: Eva Huala | | 9:50 | PDF | SGN: Robert Buels | | 10:15 | | break | | 10:30 | PDF | BioCyc: Peter Karp | | 10:55 | PDF | NCBI: Kim Pruitt | | 11:20 | PDF | UCSC: Kate Rosenbloom | | 12:00 | | Lunch break | | 1:25 | | Recap of morning topics (D. Gilbert) | | 1:30 | PDF | RGD: Susan Bromberg, George Kowalski | | 1:55 | PDF | FlyBase: Josh Goodman | | 2:20 | PDF | FlyMine/InterMine: Gos Micklem | | 2:45 | PDF | ApiDB (GUS): Eileen Kraemer & Steve Fischer | | 3:15 | | break | | 3:40 | PDF | ZFIN: Ceri Van Slyke | | 4:00 | PDF | Wormbase: Todd Harris | | 4:40 | PDF | MGI: Sue Bello, Joel Richardson | | 5:00 | | Caucus discussion in the round | | 6:00 | | end session/dinner | | 8pm | | Chado database discussion/tutorial session |



