InterMine Presentation

This Wiki page is an edited version of Gos’s presentation



InterMine was developed as the generic underpinnings of the FlyMine Project

Technical Overview

Loading Data

Test problems
Example InterMine XML for Problem 1: load genes + annotation
   <item id="0_3" class=”” implements="">
      <attribute name="identifier" value="xfile" />
      <attribute name="description" value="A test gene for GMOD meeting" />
      <reference name="organism" ref_id="0_1" />
      <collection name="transcripts">
         <reference ref_id="0_9" />
   <item id="0_1" class="" implements="">
      <attribute name="taxonId" value="7227" />
Resulting webapp object page

xfile Gene details page

Code for Problem 2: Print gene annotation report

public class BakeOff {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        // code to get the "xfile" gene
        ObjectStore os = ObjectStoreFactory.getObjectStore("os.production");
        Query q = new Query();
        QueryClass qcObj = new QueryClass(Gene.class);
        QueryField qf = new QueryField(qcObj, "identifier");
        SimpleConstraint sc = new SimpleConstraint(qf, ConstraintOp.EQUALS, new QueryValue("xfile"));
        System.err.println("query: " + q);
        Results res = os.execute(q);
        // a Results object is a List of Lists
        List rr = (List) res.get(0);
        Gene gene = (Gene) rr.get(0);
        System.err.println ("symbol: " + gene.getIdentifier());
        // a BioEntity in FlyMine has a collection of Synonym objects -
        // we need Synonym.value for each Synonym
        System.err.print ("synonyms: ");
        Iterator synIter = gene.getSynonyms().iterator();
        while (synIter.hasNext()) {
            Synonym syn = (Synonym);
            System.err.print (syn.getValue() + ' ');
        System.err.println ("description: " + gene.getDescription());
        // get the class name, but we already know that the gene is a Gene
        System.err.println ("type: " + gene.getClass().getName());
        // make a List from a the Set of exons for this Gene
        List exons = new ArrayList(gene.getExons());
        Exon exon1 = (Exon) exons.get(0);
        Exon exon2 = (Exon) exons.get(1);
        // get the start and end via the Location object
        System.err.println ("exon1 start: " + exon1.getChromosomeLocation().getStart());
        System.err.println ("exon1 end: " + exon1.getChromosomeLocation().getEnd());
        System.err.println ("exon2 start: " + exon2.getChromosomeLocation().getStart());
        System.err.println ("exon2 end: " + exon2.getChromosomeLocation().getEnd());
        // write out the first cds
        List cdss = new ArrayList(gene.getCDSs());
        FlyMineSequence flymineSequence = FlyMineSequenceFactory.make((CDS) cdss.get(0));
        // use BioJava to output the sequence
        Annotation annotation = flymineSequence.getAnnotation();
                               gene.getIdentifier() + " cds");
        SeqIOTools.writeFasta(System.err, flymineSequence);

Quicksearch - Problem 4: find genes starting with x

Java API
  Query q = new Query();
  QueryClass qcObj = new QueryClass(Gene.class);
  QueryField qf = new QueryField(qcObj, "identifier");
  SimpleConstraint sc = new SimpleConstraint(qf, ConstraintOp.MATCHES, new QueryValue("x-%"));
  SELECT DISTINCT a1_.identifier AS a2_ FROM org.flymine.model.genomic.Gene AS a1_ WHERE a1_.identifier LIKE 'x-%'
Perl API
  my $genes = InterMine::Gene::Manager->get_genes(query => [
                             identifier => { like => 'x-%' },],);

Larger Query

Within FlyMine: For one or more genes report:

Implications of Query Optimisation


InterMine/FlyMine are funded by the Wellcome Trust (grant no. 067205), awarded to M. Ashburner, G. Micklem, S. Russell, K. Lilley and K. Mizuguchi.



