ISMB/ECCB 2011 will be held July 15-19 in Vienna Austria. Several other events, such at the Functional Genomics Data Society Meeting and RECOMB-BE will be held before and after ISMB.

GMOD will once again have a strong presence at these events.

Events, Talks, and Posters

Please add your items to this list as they are scheduled.

Day Time Track Title & Presenter/Organizer Components Slides / Poster
15-16 July
8:30-18:00 Satellites BOSC: The 12th Annual Bioinformatics Open Source Conference
Enacting Taverna Workflows through Galaxy, Marco Roos Galaxy
InterMine - Using RESTful Webservices for Interoperability, Alex Kalderimis InterMine
BioMart 0.8 offers new tools, more interfaces, and increased flexibility through plug-ins, Junjun Zhang BioMart
The Galaxy Track Browser: Transforming the Genome Browser from Visualization Tool to Analysis Tool, Jeremy Goecks Galaxy
WebApollo: A web-based sequence annotation editor for community annotation, Nomi Harris WebApollo
Enabling NGS Analysis with(out) the Infrastructure, Enis Afgan Galaxy
SADI for GMOD: Bringing Model Organism Data onto the Semantic Web, Ben Vandervalk
What's new with GMOD, Scott Cain GMOD Components
17 July
10:45-12:40 ISMB/ECCB Workshops W1: Bioinformatics Core Facilities.

Includes a talk by Brad Chapman on their use of Galaxy at the Harvard School of Public Health

18 July
12:15-12:40 ISMB/ECCB Tech Track TT23: Enacting Taverna Workflows through Galaxy, Kostas Karasavvas, NBIC - LUMC Galaxy Abstract
12:40-14:30 ISMB/ECCB Poster Presentations, Odd V7: SymD server: a platform for detecting internally symmetric protein structures, Chin-Hsien (Emily) Tai, et al., National Cancer Institute Galaxy
J43: Statistical Tests for Detecting Differential RNA-Transcript Expression from Read Counts, Philipp Drewe, et al. Friedrich Miescher Laboratory of the Max Planck Society Galaxy
19 July
10:45-11:10 ISMB/ECCB Tech Track TT37: NGS Best Practices through Galaxy: Cloud-based variant discovery with visual analytics, Daniel Blankenberg, Penn State University Galaxy Abstract
12:15-12:40 ISMB/ECCB Proceedings PT40: From Sets to Graphs: Towards a Realistic Enrichment Analysis of Transcriptomic Systems, Ludwig Geistlinger, LMU München Galaxy
12:40-14:30 ISMB/ECCB Poster Presentations, Even Z04: CADDSuite: A flexible and open framework and workflow system for computer-aided drug design, Marcel Schumann and Marc Röttig, University of Tuebingen Galaxy
14:30-16:25 Workshops W6: Genomics for Non-Model Organisms, Dave Clements This Galaxy organized workshop features these talks: 14:30-14:55: Using RAD-seq for genomic and transcriptomic studies of non-model organisms, Julian Catchen, University of Oregon 15:00-15:25: Using RNA-seq for gene annotation, quantitation, and function in non-model organisms, Jeremy Goecks, Emory University 15:00-15:55: TBD 16:00-16:25: Repeatable plant pathology bioinformatic analysis: not everything is NGS data, Peter Cock, James Hutton Institute Galaxy
14:30-14:55 ISMB/ECCB Tech Track TT48: Oqtans: A Galaxy-integrated workflow for Quantitative Transcriptome Analysis from NGS data, Géraldine Jean and Sebastian J. Schultheiss, Friedrich Miescher Laboratory of Max Planck Society Galaxy Abstract
14:30-14:55 ISMB/ECCB Tech Track TT24: EMBOSS: New developments and extended data access, Peter Rice, European Bioinformatics Institute Galaxy Abstract
16:00-16:25 ISMB/ECCB Tech Track TT59: The Galaxy Track Browser: Transforming the Genome Browser from Visualization Tool to Analysis Tool, Jeremy Goecks, Emory University Note: we are trying to reschedule this to an earlier time. Galaxy Abstract



