Chado API via Java & Hibernate, Robert Bruggner, This Wiki page is an edited version of Robert’s presentation.
Also see Comparison of XORT and Hibernate for Chado Reporting.
public class CV {
private int cv_id
private String name;
private String definition;
public property gettersandsetters() {
public boolean equals(CV comparaCV) {
public int hashCode(){
<class name="org.vectorbase.chadoAPI.chadoObjects.CV" table="cv">
<id name="cv_id" column="cv_id" unsaved-value="undefined">
<generator class="sequence">
<param name="sequence">cv_cv_id_seq</param>
<property name="name" column=”name” type="java.lang.String” not-null="true"/>
<property name="definition" column=”definition” type="java.lang.String”/>
public class CVTerm {
private int cvterm_id;
private CV cv;
private String name;
private String definition;
private DBXref dbxref;
private int is_obsolete;
private int is_relationshiptype;
<class name="org.vectorbase.chadoAPI.chadoObjects.CVTerm" table="cvterm">
<id name="cvterm_id" column="cvterm_id" unsaved-value="undefined">
<generator class="sequence">
<param name="sequence">cvterm_cvterm_id_seq</param>
<many-to-one name="cv" class="org.vectorbase.chadoAPI.chadoObjects.CV" column="cv_id"
not-null="true" cascade="save-update"/>
<property name="name" not-null="true" type="java.lang.String"/>
<property name="definition"/>
<one-to-one name="dbxref" class="org.vectorbase.chadoAPI.chadoObjects.DBXref" cascade="all"/>
<property name="is_obsolete"/>
<property name="is_relationshiptype"/>
One can use Java, Hibernate Query Language, or SQL, this example uses HQL
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.vectorbase.chadoAPI.CVTerm;
import org.vectorbase.chadoAPI.CV;
// Load the configuration from hibernate.cfg.xml
// Build a session factory first (not shown)
// Get the session based on the configuration and begin transaction
Session session = HibernateSessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
// Load a CVTerm by its ID
CVTerm cvt = (CVTerm) session.get(CVTerm.class,1);
// Load a CVTerm using HQL
CVTerm cvt = session.createQuery(“from CVTerm where name=?”).setString(0,”name”).uniqueResult();
// Print out the name of the cvterm
// Get the cv that the cvterm is associated with
// Hibernate doesn’t return the cv_id - it returns a CV Object.
CV cv = cvt.getCv();
// Print out the cv’s name
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.vectorbase.chadoAPI.CVTerm;
// Load the configuration from hibernate.cfg.xml
// Build a session factory first (not shown)
// Get the session based on the configuration and begin transaction
Session session = HibernateSessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
// Load a CVTerm by its ID
CVTerm cvt = (CVTerm) session.get(CVTerm.class,1);
// Change cvt’s name
cvt.setName(“New CVTerm name”);
// Save!
// Generated SQL updates “Dirty” properties (name, in this case);
// Commit data to database
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.vectorbase.chadoAPI.CVTerm;
import org.vectorbase.chadoAPI.CV;
// Load the configuration from hibernate.cfg.xml
// Build a session factory first and get begin transaction (not shown)
// Make a new CV
CV new_cv = new CV();
new_cv.setName(“New CV”);
new_cv.setDefinition(“New CV Def”);
// Make a new cvterm for that cv
CVTerm new_cvterm = new CVTerm();
new_cvterm.setName(“New CVTerm Name”);
// ..... save dbxref etc......
// Add that CVTerm to our new CV
// Save the new data...
// Hibernate recognizes that it has to first save new_cv, then save new_cvterm.;
// You can see the new id’s assigned by the database
<class name="org.vectorbase.chadoAPI.chadoObjects.Feature" table="feature" discriminator-
value="not null">
<id name="feature_id" column="feature_id" unsaved-value="undefined">
<generator class="sequence">
<param name="sequence">feature_feature_id_seq</param>
<discriminator column="type_id" type="integer" insert="false"/>
<many-to-one name="dbxref" class="org.vectorbase.chadoAPI.chadoObjects.DBXref"
column="dbxref_id" cascade="all"/>
<many-to-one name="organism" class="org.vectorbase.chadoAPI.chadoObjects.Organism"
column="organism_id" not-null="true" cascade="save-update"/>
<property name="name"/>
<subclass name="org.vectorbase.chadoAPI.chadoFeatures.Gene"
extends="org.vectorbase.chadoAPI.chadoObjects.Feature" discriminator-value="767">
Write custom methods for specific sub-classes
// Set up our session and begin transaction
Session session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
// Make a chado adpator and load up some utility objects
ChadoAdaptor ca = new ChadoAdaptor();
Chromosome c = ca.fetchChromosomeByUniqueName("fake_chromosome");
Pub null_pub = ca.fetchPubByPubID(1);
Organism agambiae = ca.fetchOrganismByScientificName("Anopheles","gambiae");
// Begin GMOD Demo Code
// Make our new gene;
Gene xfile = new Gene();
xfile.setDescription("A test gene for GMOD meeting");
/* Set the location of our gene. No need to set coordinates because they'll be updated
* based on the exon boundaries.
FeatureLoc xfile_loc = new FeatureLoc();
// Add synonyms to xfile
xfile.createNewFeatureSynonym("mulder", null_pub, CVTerms.EXACT_SYNONYM);
xfile.createNewFeatureSynonym("scully", null_pub, CVTerms.EXACT_SYNONYM);
// Create a new transcript for our gene.
Transcript t = xfile.createGeneTranscript("xfile-RA");
// Create some exons for that transcript.
t.createTranscriptExon("xfile:1", 13691, 13767);
t.createTranscriptExon("xfile:2", 14687, 14720);
// Save our new gene;
System.out.println("xfile feature_id is " + xfile.getFeature_id());
// Fetch our saved gene from the database
Gene xfile_r = ca.fetchGeneByUniqueName("xfile");
System.out.println("symbol: " + xfile_r.getUniquename());
System.out.print("synonyms: ");
for (FeatureSynonym fs : xfile_r.getFeatureSynonyms()){
System.out.print(fs.getSynonym().getName() + " ");
System.out.println("description: " + xfile_r.getDescription());
System.out.println("type: " + xfile_r.getType().getName());
for (Transcript tx : xfile_r.fetchAllTranscripts()){
for (Exon e : tx.fetchAllExons()){
System.out.println(e.getUniquename() + " Start:\t" + e.getFeatureLoc().getFmin());
System.out.println(e.getUniquename() + " End:\t" + e.getFeatureLoc().getFmax());
System.out.println("\tSrcFeatureID: " + e.getFeatureLoc().getSrcfeature().getFeature_id());
System.out.println(">" + tx.getUniquename());
// Lets update our name...
// Not part of the ChadoAdaptor utility object, but a good example of HQL
List<Gene> genes = (List<Gene>)session.createQuery("from Gene where uniquename like ?").setString(0,”x-%”).list();
for (Gene g : genes){
System.out.println(g.getFeature_id() +
"\t" + g.getUniquename() +
"\t" + g.getOrganism().getGenus() +
" " + g.getOrganism().getSpecies());
// Deleting... hmm...
Gene delete_me = ca.fetchGeneByUniqueName("x-ray");
// All Finished