| name = Galaxy | full_name = | status = mature | dev = active | support = active | type = Genome Visualization and Editing, Workflow Management, Tool Integration, Analysis | platform = web | logo = GalaxyLogoBigger.png | home = http://galaxyproject.org | about = Galaxy is an open, web-based platform for accessible, reproducible, and transparent computational biomedical research.
Galaxy is open source for all organizations. The public Galaxy server makes analysis tools, genomic data, tutorial demonstrations, persistent workspaces, and publication services available to any scientist that has access to the Internet. Local Galaxy servers can be set up by downloading the Galaxy application and customizing it to meet particular needs.
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| logo_info = | dev_ppl = The Galaxy Development Team are listed on the Galaxy wiki; in addition to the core developers, there are also extensive contributions from the Galaxy user community. | dev_status = | contact_email = Dave Clements or Galaxy Outreach | input = Roadmaps Sequences ab1 affybatch afg axt bam bcf bed bedgraph bigbed bigwig bowtie_base_index bowtie_color_index chrint cisml csfasta csv eland elandmulti encodepeak eset fasta fastq fastqcssanger fastqillumina fastqsanger fastqsolexa fli fped fphe fqtoc gatk_dbsnp gatk_interval gatk_recal gatk_report gatk_tranche gd_indivs gd_ped gd_sap gd_snp gff gff3 gtf interval lav ldindep len linecount lped maf malist memexml nex nhx pbed phyloxml picard_interval_list pileup pphe qual454 qualillumina qualsolexa qualsolid sam scf sff snpmatrix snptest tabular taxonomy twobit txt vcf velvet wig xml | output = zillions! | see_also = | demo_server = http://usegalaxy.org/ | survey_link = Galaxy | extras = |release date=2005