

Bulkfiles is a GMOD Perl package that generates Fasta, GFF3, DNA and other bulk genome annotation files from Chado databases. It works with several FlyBase Chado releases, with SGDLite, and has been tested with other Chado databases. Once tuned to your project’s needs with its organism and site configurations, it can generate public data releases on a regular basis. It produces all the contents needed for a GMOD Standard URL genome data download folder.


These are current primary outputs, which are configurable to suit project needs.

Additional genome outputs can be added with Perl adaptor packages from a Bulkfiles base adaptor object.

Why Use Bulkfiles?

Why use this package rather than using other middleware layers to Chado db - Chado XML, Chado%253A%253AAutoDBI, BioPerl, ? The general logic is

  1. dump all Chado db features using simple (and quick) sql, to common intermediate table files, and chromosome dna to raw files. The feature info is simple: type, location, name/id, and a few attributes (db_xrefs,..)
  2. postprocess these table files to create the various public use formats (the time-consuming and configurable part), organized into per-chromosome files.

Here are some reasons we take this approach:


Here is a candidate release package for GMODTools:

 curl -O
 unzip GMODTools*.zip

If you want to try out GMODTools from SVN check out using these commands:

 svn co

These commands will create a directory named GMODTools, with a directory named GMODTools in it. Note that you don’t need to supply a password, and it may be very slow.


Bulkfiles has extensive configurations, in a simple XML format. This is both a strength and weakness. The strength is that most aspects for genome data publication, such as feature names, types, aspects of the output format, are under your project’s control. The weakness is these need detailed documentation to make it easier to tune your site’s configuration.

All of the organism and project-specific logic is in these configuration files, including output documentation, feature controls and naming, file choices.

Once configured for your organism(s) and project database, it is quick to generate new bulk data release files, and link into a collection of public releases. A new release needs only a minor configuration update (release number and date), and can be generated automatically if desired.


These are the main contents of the configuration files

This main release XML controls what other configurations are used.

A new release configuration with date, release name should be added as needed.

If you have a complex Chado database, you may well want to add to or update this.

What features are to be published, the structure of features, and much of the messy genome detail are included here. It is complex but that is part of the territory with genome databases.

Sample Use

Load a genome Chado db to PostgreSQL database:

 curl -O
 createdb sgdlite
 (gunzip -c sgdlite.sql.gz | psql -d sgdlite -f - ) >& log.load

Extract bulk files from database:

 cd GMODTools
 perl -Ilib bin/ -conf sgdbulk -make

If your test fails, pleas re-run with the -debug option and send the result log file to the developer contact below.

 perl -Ilib bin/ -conf sgdbulk -make -debug >& gmodtools-debug.log

Sample Output Data Folder

Output data folder looks like this. It is suited to linking to a public web server for data downloading, e.g. the GMOD Standard_URL.

 Example.txt  README.html  blast/       fasta/       gff/         tmp/
 HEADER.html  Release.txt  dna/         fff/         tables/

See the tables/ folder for summary tables. The contents including web HEADER, README and others are configured with the conf/bulkfiles/ configurations.

Sample Run Log

microbe%  perl -Ilib bin/ -conf sgdbulk -make
- Setting GMOD_ROOT=/bio/argos/gmod/GMODTools
Config: title = SGD Lite; date = 20051129;  from conf/bulkfiles/sgdbulk.xml
Config: title = Site Default settings for GMODTools;  from conf/bulkfiles/site_defaults.xml
Config: title = Species abbreviations; date = 20051129;  from conf/bulkfiles/organisms.xml
Config: title = Bulkfiles fileset definitions; date = 20040821;  from conf/bulkfiles/filesets.xml
Config: title = Chado Feature mapping info; date = 20040821;  from conf/bulkfiles/featuresets.xml
 missing data dir data/genomes/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae
Config: title = Chado DB SQL; date = 20051129;  from conf/bulkfiles/chadofeatsql.xml
Automaking feature_table files
Config: title = Blast index writer; date = 20040821;  from conf/bulkfiles/blastfiles.xml
Config: title = Summary Tables; date = 20051217;  from conf/bulkfiles/tablewriter.xml
Config: title = Gbrowse conf generator; date = 20040826;  from conf/bulkfiles/gbrowseconf.xml
Config: title = Genome Web docs; date = 20051225;  from conf/bulkfiles/genomeweb.xml
Changed 'current' release symlink to data/genomes/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/sgdlite_2005_08_23; ok=1
Bulkfiles done. result=overviews:, fff+gff=146661, fasta=19849, blast=14, tables=ok,
Bulkfiles are located at data/genomes/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/sgdlite_2005_08_23

GenBank genome round-trip test

See also this brief GMODTools TestCase that describes how to load a GenBank genome to Chado then regurgitate it via Bulkfiles as a GenBank submission file set.


Bulkfiles is mostly a self-contained Perl package. It uses a few BioPerl parts plus XML::Simple for configuration files.


Version 1.2 (2008 May) IN PROGRESS

There now is enough of a GMODTools framework for dumping Chado genome databases to Genbank Submit format that it likely will save effort for those who need to do this job. This is open source and collaborators are welcome to add code here

esp. lib/Bio/GMOD/Bulkfiles/ and conf/bulkfiles/genbanksubmit.xml

The above code is packaged at as

Here are sample Bulkfiles outputs from DrosMel CHR_4 and AnoGam CHR_X

Version 1.1 (2007 October) adds these features and corrections:

See Also






