Debian Stable Installation Notes


Debian Stable (Etch 4.0) installation notes

Installing Chado/GMOD old office machine with a fresh Debian stable installation. Goal: test the Chado scheme for annotation of bacterial genomes

I borrowed a lot of stuff from the Installing_Chado_on_Ubuntu_HOWTO page as Debian and Ubuntu are much alike.


Apache 2.2 is installed by default during the installation of Debian stable (web package).

location for GMOD

mkdir /usr/local/gmod

note: this is NOT the home of my gmod user.


got the source from sourceforge and unpacked in /usr/local/gmod (maybe I should use the cvs version??)

=== postgresql setup ===

Note: Debian stable has postgresql 7.4 as default package, but i’m going for 8.1.11 as this is also the version that runs on our RedHat Enterprise 5 server (more on that later)

apt-get install the following packages, Synaptic is your friend

Not necessary, but I also installed phpPgAdmin from source, not the Debian package.

Following the guidelines from INSTALL.Chado to add a database user and optimize some settings. Don’t forget to create a database user root as well for the CPAN installations below, otherwise some tests fail. I added user ‘chado’ for the chado database installation.

The configuration files are located in a different location as opposed to our Redhat installation:


I opted to install the CPAN modules instead of the Debian packages as some of the Debian packages have older versions of the modules. The modules are installed in


So not overwriting any installed Debian packages.

Note: when installing DBIx::DBStag, the install tests require a postgres account to run the ‘make tests’. Because CPAN installs are typically run under root, you may create an account for root with:

su postgres createuser root


The DBIx::DBStag package should now be able to install without using the ‘force’ option under CPAN. For security, don’t forget to drop the user after the install is finished:

su postgres dropuser root

CPAN packages

DBIx::DBStag (Force install needed if tests fail)


I installed BioPerl-live using subversion into /usr/local/bioperl/bioperl-live (as root)

svn co svn:// bioperl-live

cd /usrlocal/bioperl/bioperl-live
perl Build.PL
./Build test   #some tests fail as usual
sudo ./Build install

Environment Variables

Added this to my .bashrc so that when I login as user gmod all vars are set

# GMOD additions
export GMOD_ROOT=/usr/local/gmod
export GO_ROOT=/usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8/GO/
export PERL5LIB=$PERL5LIB:/usr/local/bioperl/bioperl-live
export CHADO_DB_NAME=dev_chado_01
export CHADO_DB_USERNAME=chado
export CHADO_DB_PASSWORD=******

=== installing Chado scheme and tools

in /usr/local/gmod
perl Makefile.PL

sudo make install
make load_schema
make prepdb

a quick look at the database user phpPgAdmin: the database looks fine.

make ontologies
 ./Build ontologies
 Available ontologies:
 [1] Relationship Ontology
 [2] Sequence Ontology
 [3] Gene Ontology
 [4] Chado Feature Properties
 [5] Cell Ontology
 [6] Plant Ontology

 Which ontologies would you like to load (Comma delimited)? [0] 1,2,3,4

This take a while. i’m getting the notorious duplicate key violates unique constraint “cvterm_c1” error as well.

Data loading

We have a local mirror of [1] mounted at /data/genomes As described in the Chado manual I inserted an organism in the database, our pet organism of course:

INSERT INTO organism (abbreviation, genus, species, common_name)
               VALUES ('L.plantarum', 'Lactobacillus', 'plantarum', 'Lactobacillus plantarum WCFS1');

question: other pages seem to specify the taxonomy id as organism id. In our case that would be 220668. Should we use this ID or just let postgresql add an ID for us?

what doesn’t work

NCBI gff3 files (does not work!)

> -gfffile /data/genomes/Lactobacillus_plantarum/NC_004567.gff -outfile NC_004567.gff

fails with

"my" variable %seen masks earlier declaration in same scope at /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8/Bio/GMOD/DB/ line 4199.
"my" variable %seen masks earlier declaration in same scope at /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8/Bio/GMOD/DB/ line 4223.
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "gff_sort_tmp_row_id_seq" for serial column "gff_sort_tmp.row_id"
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "gff_sort_tmp_pkey" for table "gff_sort_tmp"
couldn't open /data/genomes/Lactobacillus_plantarum/NC_004567.gff.sorted.fasta for writing: Read-only file system

although running from a writable directory, tries to write to the location where the input file is.

> cp /data/genomes/Lactobacillus_plantarum/NC_004567.gff NC_004567.gff
> --gfffile NC_004567.gff --outfile NC_004567.gff.sorted

"my" variable %seen masks earlier declaration in same scope at /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8/Bio/GMOD/DB/ line 4199.
"my" variable %seen masks earlier declaration in same scope at /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8/Bio/GMOD/DB/ line 4223.
Sorting the contents of NC_004567.gff ...
Writing sorted contents to NC_004567.gff.sorted

> -organism 'Lactobacillus plantarum WCFS1' --gfffile NC_004567.gff.sorted

This results in lots of errors

(Re)creating the uniquename cache in the database...
Creating table...
Populating table...
Creating indexes...Done.
Preparing data for inserting into the dev_chado_01 database
(This may take a while ...)
There is a CDS feature with no parent (ID:)  I think that is wrong!
This GFF file has CDS and/or UTR features that do not belong to a
'central dogma' gene (ie, gene/transcript/CDS).  The features of
this type are being stored in the database as is.
Unable to find srcfeature NC_004567.1 in the database.
Perhaps you need to rerun your data load with the '--recreate_cache' option. at /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8/Bio/GMOD/DB/ line 4026
Bio%253A%253AGMOD::DB::Adapter::src_second_chance('Bio%253A%253AGMOD::DB::Adapter=HASH(0x8bba494)', 'Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated=HASH(0x8c4be6c)') called
at /usr/local/bin/ line 758
Issuing rollback() for database handle being DESTROY'd without explicit disconnect().

Loading NCBI gff files directly is not going to work.

NCBI genbank RefSeq files (does work, with adaptations) Please note that the page at Load_RefSeq_Into_Chado is now including an organism_id, confusing.

taken from RefSeq howto –> does not load in the database --summary --typesource chromosome -noCDS --filter exon -o . NC_004567.gbk

What works

taken from GenBank howto –> does load in the database -noCDS -s -o . NC_004567.gbk

Gives some output

# Input: NC_004567.gbk
# working on region:NC_004567, Lactobacillus plantarum WCFS1, 03-DEC-2007, Lactobacillus plantarum WCFS1, complete genome.
# GFF3 saved to ./NC_004567.gbk.gff
# Summary:
# Feature       Count
# -------       -----
# mRNA  3007
# gene  3093
# region  1
# pseudogene  42
# CDS  3007
# RESIDUES(tr)  910927
# RESIDUES  3308274
# rRNA  16
# pseudogenic_region  42
# exon  3093
# tRNA  70

Load into the database with: --organism 'Lactobacillus plantarum WCFS1'  --dbxref GeneID --gfffile NC_004567.gbk.gff --recreate_cache

load the file into the database–>ok

Note: one could use the following options for the script: –typesource chromosome –typesource plasmid etc, as long as it is a valid SO type.

Gbrowse configuration

completely standard as described in the manual. Configuration file goes in /etc/apache2/





