Comparison of XORT and Hibernate for Chado reporting

Please note: The age of this document means that it is no longer relevant given the technological changes that have occurred with the databases and ORM technologies discussed herein. It is left here for historical purposes.

Comparison of XORT and Hibernate for Chado reporting - written by Josh Goodman, FlyBase - Indiana University

At FlyBase we are currently in the process of migrating all our existing data into Chado. In order to deal with data in this new format we are re-vamping all of our report generation tools. The qualities we were looking for in a new reporting framework were a good balance of speed, flexibility, and minimizing the amount of in house code that needed to be written. The term “reporting” here is referring to the presentation aspect of Chado data to end users, i.e. a gene page, an allele page, etc…

Thus, we evaluated two approaches to reporting Chado data, XORT and Hibernate. XORT was chosen because it is already used with Chado and provides a nice language neutral interface for extracting your data from Chado into XML. Hibernate was chosen because it is one of the most mature and stable object to relational mapping tools available. It is very well documented, maintained by a large community, and can mostly be tweaked through its XML files rather than modifying java code. iBATIS was also investigated but no formal tests were done with it, more on that later.

In the end XORT proved to be the better choice, but only because it excelled in areas that were most important to us. Other situtations may not be the same so please don’t take this case study literally without carefully weighing your needs and expectations. We hope that our experience can prove to be useful in this respect.

Tools Used

Setting up Hibernate
In order to use Hibernate you need two things, the Hibernate XML mapping files and java code to set up the objects that will be populated. Hibernate mapping files are usually set up by hand but the JBOSS Eclipse IDE has a nice tool that will read your database schema and generate them for you. This is also the first place we encountered a small problem.

The chado schema has many indices that are not explicitly named and on older versions of Postgres (7.x and maybe some early 8.0.x) indices that are not named will automatically be given a name of $1, $2, $3, etc… The problem is that it doesn’t check if it has already used those names for other tables and so you end up with indices that are named in duplicate. The JBOSS plugin doesn’t like this and so it dies when reading a schema with duplicate names. We dropped the schema, named the indices, and reimported to correct this problem. Newer versions of Postgres (8.0.x, 8.1) use unique names when creating indices that aren’t explicitly named.

Once this was fixed, the JBOSS hibernate plugin expertly read our schema, generated all of our XML mapping files, and the necessary java code.

Setting up XORT
Setting up XORT is fairly simple if you’ve installed perl modules before. The trickiest part is making sure that the ddl.properites file that describes your schema matches the actual schema that is in the database. Once that is done all you need to do is write a dumpspec to dump the data you want.

The test plan was fairly simple, it consisted of first working with a single table and adding linked table information one by one to see how each system scaled. The hub table we started with was the pub table with ~130,000 records, it is fairly simple and we had a nice test data set available. For Hibernate we setup a query that fetched all the publication records and all their fields and for XORT we setup a dumpspec that did the same. Since XORT also fetches the cvterm table by default we modified the Hibernate query to fetch the same.

For this simple test case we did 5 runs each and Hibernate took 181 seconds and XORT took 372 on average. The advantage here can best be explained by the caching strategies used by Hibernate when dealing with the cvterm. XORT is executing a query to the cvterm table for each pub record it encounters, whereas Hibernate caches the hits and only queries the cvterm table when it finds an entry it hasn’t cached.

One problem we did have with Hibernate was with its session based cache because it was trying to keep a copy of each pub object as we scanned the entire pub table. To get around this we had to explicitly cast the pub object out of the session cache after we were done processing it.

The next table we added was the feature and organism tables linked via the feature_pub table. This time Hibernate took 402 seconds and XORT took 546 seconds on average. Hibernate is still out performing XORT but not by much. The next table added was the pubauthor table, for this case Hibernate’s performance advantage went away taking 1800 seconds vs XORT’s 780 seconds. This huge change with such a simple table took us by surprise. A single cause couldn’t be pinpointed but it is thought that a mix of the Hibernate table prefetching and cache performance caused most of it. By this point we had to start using a disk based cache for some of the objects and this caused a lot of disk IO. Several attempts to bring this time down by tweaking various Hibernate parameters failed and further table additions got exponentially worse compared to XORT.

Another possible cause of performance problems is the fact that, by default, when an object is fetched you get all fields of that object populated. Thus, if you are simply wanting a list of all feature names and their type that are related to a particular publication what you end up getting back is a fully populated feature object with name, type, sequence, length, etc… Fetching these additional fields can put a lot of overhead on a query and caching.

There are two options for getting around this field fetching problem. First, you can customize the XML mapping files to set, on a field by field basis, whether or not it is retrieved by default or not. The problem with this is that for our purposes the optimal fetching strategy is going to change depending on the task we are carrying out. i.e. When querying/dumping out features for reporting we may want to get all fields by default and a only a sub set of them when fetching features attributed to publications. We could create a set of mapping files for a table based on the different strategies but this would make our application overly complex and hard to maintain in the long term.

The second approach is to use what Hibernate calls projection queries. They amount to:

select new Feature(name,type) from feature where uniquename=’FBgn0000001’

This approach requires additional POJO code, is much less flexible, and is essentially doing things the iBATIS way without the flexibility that iBATIS provides so we saw little point of trying this method. On a side note, we did not evaluate iBATIS because it required a greater degree of direct java code manipulation than Hibernate. We wanted a solution that all members of our dev team could edit and maintain rather than have this responsibility sit with a few key people who know java. iBATIS itself looked very capable and excelled at being less complicated in certain areas where Hibernate can make your head spin. Other groups who aren’t concerned with committing your group to maintaining Java code in the long term should definitely give it a look.

In conclusion, we chose XORT over Hibernate because it provides a language neutral interface and has good performance when dealing with a realistic amount of tables compared to Hibernate. Hibernate’s forte is geared more towards a fetch/modify/update workflow and working with numbers of objects on the scale of 1 to a few hundred at a time and not tens or hundreds of thousands. We often felt like we were going against the Hibernate grain by trying to setup this reporting system with a large number of objects. Thus if you are working on applications that fit this model it might be a good system to evaluate. It provides so much functionality out of the box like advanced caching, application level transactions, and much more that it is worth considering. Hibernate’s query lanaguage (HQL) does take a small amount of time to get used to but it is rich enough to provide almost as much flexibility as standard SQL. If you do find it limiting for some things it is possible to place SQL in the mapping files to get around the limitations.

XORT would greatly benefit by borrowing some of the strategies used by iBATIS and Hibernate such as a caching layer to reduce the impact of redundant calls to tables. It also needs to have improved documentation so that the barrier for using it is lowered for those who may not be familiar with Chado and how it is structured. A tutorial with a few use case scenarious that describe what each line does would be immensely helpful. Once you become familiar with Chado’s structure, writing dumpspecs is fairly straightforward. Overall, these are minor short comings and we were pleased with XORT.



