
To update from one version of GMOD in the Cloud to another, follow these steps:

1. For the old version of GMOD in the Cloud (GitC), identify the volume that is mounted in /data. Typically, you can find this information by looking at the information page for the current instance, locating the Block Devices section and clicking on the device name of the /data partition (typically sdf but certainly “higher” than sda. Clicking on the name of the partition will create a window with information about the volume in it. Note the EBS ID.

2. In the Volumes section of the AWS Console, locate the old GitC volume. Right click on it and select Create Snapshot. While not necessary, it’s not a bad idea to stop the instance unmount the partition before creating the snapshot. Give it a name that will make it easier to find.

3. In the Snapshot section of the AWS Console, locate the snapshot you just created, right click on it and select Create Volume from the menu. In the resulting image, configure the volume the way you want it to be. Volume type should be Standard; adjust the size of the partition if you want to (if you do adjust the size, see this guide from Amazon for adjusting the size in the OS, and set the availability zone to be the same as the new instance of GitC.

3b. If you haven’t done so already, create a new instance of the desired version of GitC.

4. Back in the Volumes section, identify the volume you just created (you should be able to tell which one it is by the fact that it is available and has a recent time created). Right click on the volume, and select Attach Volume. Select the new GitC instance from the drop down menu and note the device name (it should be something like /dev/sdg). Click Yes, Attach.

5. Start or restart (restart may not be necessary) the instance of the new version of GitC and log in to the command line.

6. Type “sudo fdisk -l” to verify that the new drive is attached (but not yet mounted), and note the device name (it may differ slightly from what the AWS Console says; for example, the console might say sdg, where as the operating system may say xvdg but they both end in “dg” so you know it’s the same thing).

7. Shutdown services that depend on data on the /data partition. Notably, this includes apache, postgresql and tomcat7:

 sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop
 sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql stop
 sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat7 stop

8. Unmount the old data partion and mount the new one:

 sudo umount /data
 sudo mount -v -t ext4 /dev/xvdg /data

Verify that the drive was correctly mounted by doing “ls /data”.

9. Run the update script: sudo ~/GMODintheCloud/ This will add any files that the new version of GitC requires.

10. Restart the services stopped above:

 sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start
 sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql start
 sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat7 start

11. After verifying that the services (GBrowse, JBrowse, WebApollo and Tripal) are working correctly, edit /etc/fstab to make sure the new partition mounts at the /data mount point when the machine reboots. Do this by changing the line that has the old device name (like /dev/xvdf) to the new device name (like /dev/xvdg).

12. To verify that everything is working correctly, reboot the instance.


