| name = BioDIG | full_name = Biological Database of Images and Genomes | status = alpha release | dev = active | support = active | type = Community Annotation, Database schema, Database (Chado) web front ends, Database tools, Genome Visualization and Editing, Tool Integration, Image annotation | platform = web | logo = | home = http://biodig.org | open source=yes | about = BioDIG is a collection of software tools to connect image and genomic data. While we are experiencing an explosion in both sequence and image data, we need to link these two types of data. Examples include: model organism mutations, cell morphology — e.g. pathology and cancer and any type of phenotype data that can be imaged, that can be associated with one or more genes. Anything from a blue whale to a virus, really. | screenshot = | public_server = | dl = | dl_url = http://github.com/idoerg/BioDIG | dl_src = | dl_src_url = http://github.com/idoerg/BioDIG | dl_dev = | dl_dev_url = | getting_started_preamble = | req = | install = | config = | doc = http://biodig.org | papers =
| presentations = | tutorials = | wild_urls = | mail = https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/biodig | logo_info = | dev_ppl = Friedberg Lab, Miami University, Oxford OH, USA | dev_status = | contact_email = Andrew Oberlin; [swaminr@miamioh.edu Rajeswari Swaminathan]; [idoerg@gmail.com Iddo Friedberg] | input = GFF3; common image formats | output = | see_also = | demo_server = http://mydig.biodig.org | survey_link = |release date=2013