NOTE: We are working on migrating this site away from MediaWiki, so editing pages will be disabled for now.

Main Page

Revision as of 16:43, 24 April 2007 by Scott (Talk | contribs)

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Introducing the new

This wiki site represents many weeks of work by the GMOD team to improve the documentation of the various GMOD projects. Please feel free to use this as you would any wiki: if you find something that needs improving, please do so. If you want to find the old GMOD website, it still exists at [1] and will continue to be used by some GMOD developers to write project updates (and if you are a developer looking for a place to write periodic project updates, we suggest you use it too).

GMOD Tools

GMOD comprises several mature and useful software tools, including the Chado model organism database schema, the GBrowse genome annotation viewer, the Apollo genome annotation editor, the CMap comparative map viewer and editor, the SynBrowse and Sybil synteny browsers and the GMODWeb model organism database web site.

See GMOD Components for a comprehensive list of all GMOD tools.

About GMOD

The Generic Model Organism Database project is an open source project to develop a complete set of software for creating and administering an organism database, or MOD. Components of this project include genome visualization and editing tools, literature curation tools, a robust database schema, biological ontology tools, and a set of standard operating procedures. This project is funded by the NIH and the USDA Agricultural Research Service and National Science Foundation. Participation draws from members of several database projects including WormBase, FlyBase, Mouse Genome Informatics, Gramene, the Rat Genome Database, TAIR, EcoCyc, DictyBase, wFleaBase, NESCent, Saccharomyces Genome Database and BeeBase (See also MOD list).

GMOD January 2007 Meeting Summary

The recent MOD User Interface Caucus (2007 January) has a Wiki page for your contributions: MOD Face Summary.

The recent Middleware for GMOD meeting (2007 January) has Wiki pages for your contributions: GMOD Middleware.

GMOD Project Page

See the GMOD Project Page for new projects in need of developer support.

Contributing Organizations

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