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GMOD Help Desk

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GMOD Help Desk

The Generic Model Organism Database (GMOD) Help Desk is available to provide support to GMOD users. The best place to start with any questions is probably the GMOD web site or one of the GMOD Mailing Lists.

Any question from general to specific can also be sent to the GMOD Help Desk. The help desk will either answer your question, find someone who can, or redirect it to the appropriate mailing list.

You can contact the Help Desk by writing to

Help Desk Services

The GMOD Help Desk is responsible for providing several services to the GMOD community.

User Help

The help desk responds to any e-mails sent to The help desk also monitors the GMOD Mailing Lists for recurring issues and addresses those in the GMOD documentation.

GMOD Web Site and Documentation

The help desk is responsible for maintaining the GMOD web site (this site), writing documentation on GMOD Components, and disseminating best practices. The help desk is also responsible for writing online tutorials for GMOD Components.

Developer Support

The help desk is also charged with helping GMOD developers. In the short term the help desk provides mainly documentation support by integrating and polishing documentation written by developers. In the longer term, the help desk plans to provide integration and beta testing services.

Help the Help Desk!

The Help Desk needs your feedback to help guide our priorities. Please contact the Help Desk if:

  • You have a suggestion for a tutorial topic.
  • You are interested in attending a tutorial either at a conference or at NESCent.
  • You have suggestions on conferences or meetings where a GMOD tutorial or poster should be presented.
  • You have a suggestion for improving the documentation or web site.
  • You want the GMOD Help Desk to send someone to your organization to help with training, setup, or debugging.*

*Small print: The host needs to pay travel expenses.


The GMOD Help Desk is a collaboration between GMOD and the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent), and is managed by NESCent.

Brian Osborne started the help desk in 2006 and, among other things, created this wiki. In 2007 Brian turned over the help desk to Dave Clements, who held the position until the end of 2010 (when he moved to the Galaxy project).

The help desk is also backed up by several other members of the GMOD community, notably Scott Cain, the GMOD Project Coordinator.

The GMOD Help Desk is funded by NIH grant 1R01HG004483-01 under Ian Holmes and NIH grant 5U24GM077905-02 under Jim Hu. Brian's work was funded by a USDA ARS grant under Doreen Ware. We would also like to thank Patrick Phillips of the Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (CEEB) at the University of Oregon for hosting Dave Clements during his 3 years.

Please contact the Help Desk if you need any sort of assistance.