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GMOD Help Desk

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GMOD Help Desk

GMOD Help Desk

The Generic Model Organism Database (GMOD) Help Desk is part of GMOD's Community Support. The Help Desk provides support to both GMOD users and developers. The best place to start with any questions is probably the GMOD web site or one of the GMOD Mailing Lists.

Any question from general to specific can also be sent to the GMOD Help Desk. The Help Desk will either answer your question, find someone who can, or redirect it to the appropriate mailing list.

You can contact the Help Desk by writing to

Help Desk Services

The GMOD Help Desk provides several services to the GMOD community.

User Help

The Help Desk responds to any e-mails sent to The help desk also monitors the GMOD Mailing Lists for recurring issues and addresses those in the GMOD documentation.

GMOD Web Site and Documentation

The Help Desk maintains the GMOD web site (this site), writes documentation on GMOD Components, and disseminates best practices. The Help Desk also writes online tutorials for GMOD Components.

Developer Support

The Help Desk also assists GMOD developers, at present primarily by integrating and polishing developer-generated documentation. In the longer term, the Help Desk plans to provide integration and beta testing services.


See the GMOD Community Support, of which the Help Desk is a part, for history and funding. The Help Desk is a collaboration between GMOD and the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent), and is managed by NESCent.