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2009 GMOD Summer School - Americas

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2009 GMOD Summer School - Americas
16-19 July, 2009
Durham, NC, USA


The 2009 GMOD Summer School - Americas will be held 16-19 July at the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent) in Durham, North Carolina. Like the 2008 GMOD Summer School, this course will focus on installing, configuring and integrating popular GMOD Components.

Another GMOD Summer School is being offered in Oxford, UK in August, as part of the GMOD Europe 2009 week.

Draft Program

The program will feature 4 full days of hands-on training starting with an overview of GMOD, and then covering the installation, configuration, and administration of several popular GMOD Components.

Date Time Session
July 16
8:45am Introduction and Overview
Scott Cain and Dave Clements
Participant and instructor introductions, how the GMOD project works, what software tools are available in GMOD, how they interoperate, what resources are needed to get a GMOD installation up and running, and course overview
10:25am VMware and BioPerl Setup
Get the GMOD Summer School VMware image up and running on your laptop, and then finish installation of BioPerl.
12:15pm Lunch
1:15pm MAKER I
Mark Yandell or Barry Moore
4:30pm Social Hour w/ NESCent Staff
and then Dinner
6:30pm MAKER II
Mark Yandell or Barry Moore
7:30pm JBrowse
Scott Cain or Dave Clements
JBrowse installation, configuration and administration; converting GFF3 to JSON and loading it into JBrowse.
9:00pm Day ends
July 17
8:45am GBrowse I
Scott Cain and Sheldon Mckay
12:30pm Lunch
1:30pm GBrowse II
Scott Cain and Sheldon Mckay
3:00pm Apollo I
Ed Lee
5:30pm Dinner
7:00pm Apollo II
Ed Lee
9:00pm Day ends
July 18
8:45am Chado I
Scott Cain, Dave Clements, Joshua Orvis
12:30pm Lunch
1:30pm Chado II
Scott Cain, Dave Clements, Joshua Orvis
2:30pm BioMart I
Junjun Zhang or Syed Haider
5:30pm Dinner
7:00pm BioMart II
Junjun Zhang or Syed Haider
9:00pm Day ends
July 19
8:45am GBrowse_syn
Sheldon Mckay
12:30pm Lunch
1:30pm Tripal
Stephen Ficklin
6:00pm Wrapup and Resources
Dave Clements and Scott Cain
6:30pm Summer School Ends

Likely Instructors

Instructor GMOD Contribution Affiliation
Scott Cain GMOD Project Coordinator Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
Dave Clements GMOD Help Desk National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent)
Stephen Ficklin Lead Tripal developer Clemson University Genomics Institute
Ed Lee Lead Apollo developer Berkeley Bioinformatics Open-source Projects (BBOP)
Sheldon Mckay Lead GBrowse_syn developer, GBrowse developer Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Joshua Orvis Lead Ergatis developer Institute for Genome Sciences
Mark Yandell (or Barry Moore) MAKER PI (or developer) University of Utah
Junjun Zhang (or Syed Haider) BioMart developer Ontario Institute for Cancer Research


The course requires a minimal level of Linux systems administration knowledge (see Computing Requirements). By "a minimal level of Linux systems administration knowledge" we mean that participants should be comfortable installing packages under Linux. A good benchmark for this level of knowledge is that you should be able to get a basic GBrowse installation (that is, GBrowse without MySQL) up and running with the example GBrowse data. This also requires installing Apache, and BioPerl and all its dependencies.

Getting a basic GBrowse up and running on your system will be assigned as homework to be done prior to the course's start.

System Requirements

VMware}} Participants are required to bring their own laptops, already capable of running a VMware system image.

The course starts with getting a VMware image built specifically for the course up and running on your machine. We then build upon that image in each succeeding session.

VMware on Windows and Linux
A free VMware player is available for Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems from VMware. You will need to register to download it.

VMware on Mac OS X

Participants can also bring newer Macs with Intel processors. The Intel processor is a requirement for all the packages discussed below.

There is no free VMware player that runs directly under Mac OS X. However, there are several other options, all of which require an Intel Mac:

VMware Fusion
VMware Fusion ({{{1}}}) allows you to run VMware images, Windows and Linux under Mac OS. We recommend this option for Mac users. There is a fully functional, 30 day free trial version of VMware Fusion available for download.

Mac OS 10.5 (Leopard) and Boot Camp
Boot Camp

The Leopard release of Mac OS (10.5) includes Boot Camp, a feature that allows you to boot your Mac into another operating system, including Windows or Linux. From there you can install the VMware player for your OS.*

* Apple tells you that you can partition your disk drive at any time using Boot Camp. In practice, this appears to only work easily when you first get your system.


We will start accepting applications sometime in March. Enrollment is limited. If interest exceeds the limited capacity of this course (we expect it will), then we will select attendees based on their application.


This course will be free thanks to NIH grant 1R01HG004483-01 under Ian Holmes, and to the grants of the individual instructors.

Travel, Lodging and Food

The course will be held at the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent) in Durham, North Carolina, United States. The closest airport is Raleigh-Durham International Airport (RDU), a 30 minute drive from NESCent.

Participants will be responsible for their own travel, lodging and some meal costs. We will offer a block of rooms in a local hotel at a discounted rate of $79/night (including tax). Participants can share a room to further reduce their costs. The hotel is within walking distance and also will have a free shuttle service to NESCent.

Some meals are included in the summer school. For meals that aren't, NESCent is adjacent to Durham's 9th Street District, which offers many dining options.