GMOD Europe 2009

</a> We would like to thank the Computational Biology Research Group (CBRG) of the University of Oxford for hosting and sponsoring this event. [Category](Special%253ACategories "Special%253ACategories"): - [Events](Category%253AEvents "Category%253AEvents") ## Navigation menu ### Navigation - [GMOD Home](Main_Page) - [Software](GMOD_Components) - [Categories / Tags](Categories) ### Documentation - [Overview](Overview) - [FAQs](Category%253AFAQ) - [HOWTOs](Category%253AHOWTO) - [Glossary](Glossary) ### Community - [GMOD News](GMOD_News) - [Training / Outreach](Training_and_Outreach) - [Support](Support) - [GMOD Promotion](GMOD_Promotion) - [Meetings](Meetings) - [Calendar](Calendar) ### Tools - Browse properties - Last updated at 06:15 on 10 January 2013. - Content is available under a GNU Free Documentation License unless otherwise noted.