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ISMB 2010

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ISMB 2010 Conference

ISMB 2010 was held July 9-13 in Boston. As in past years, there was once again significant GMOD content at ISMB, including

Events, Talks, and Posters

Day Time Track Title & Presenter/Organizer Components Slides / Poster
Friday & Saturday July 9-10 8:30-6:30 Satellites & SIGs Bioinformatics Open Source Conference (BOSC), Kam Dahlquist GBrowse
Bio-Ontologies, Nigam Shah, et al.
HITSeq: High throughput Sequencing, Inanc Birol, et al.
Metagenomics, Metadata, Meta-analysis (M3) & BioSharing, Ed DeLong, et al.
Saturday July 10 1:30-5:30 Tutorials PM 4: Galaxy: Analyze, Visualize, Communicate, The Galaxy Team Galaxy
Sunday July 11 12:40-2:30 Posters I01: AGeS: A Software System for Annotation and Analysis of Genome Sequences, Nela Zavaljevski GBrowse
I15: GBrowse and Next Generation Sequencing Data, Scott Cain GBrowse
2:30-3:25 Technology TT08: InterPro protein sequence analysis and classification, Sarah Hunter BioMart
Monday July 12 12:40-2:30 Posters E02: An Advanced Web Query Interface for Biological Databases, Peter Karp Pathway Tools PPT, | PDF
E18: ZFNGenome: A GBrowse-based tool for identifying Zinc Finger Nuclease target sites in model organisms, Deepak Reyon GBrowse
E30: Choosing a Genome Browser for a Model Organism Database: Surveying the Maize Community, Taner Sen GBrowse
I10: ISGA - An Intuitive Web Server for Prokaryotic Genome Annotation and Other Analyses, Christopher Hemmerich Ergatis
J60:Online Quantitative Transcriptome Analysis, Regina Bohnert Galaxy
U60: Galaxy NGS functionality from sample tracking to SNP calling: An interactive poster, Ramkrishna Chakrabarty Galaxy
Z02: WebGBrowse - A Web Server for GBrowse, Ram Podicheti WebGBrowse
3:30-3:55 Technology TT26: NGS Analysis with Galaxy on the Cloud, Anton Nekrutenko Galaxy
4:00-4:25 TT28: Sample tracking and automated data processing in Galaxy for NGS facilities, Anton Nekrutenko Galaxy
Tuesday July 13 11:15-11:40 Technology TT32: GMOD Presents GBrowse 2.0 and JBrowse, Scott Cain GBrowse, JBrowse Prezi
11:45-?? Lunch Informal gathering at the ISMB lunch. Please look for Scott Cain in the back center of the lunch room. There will be "GMOD reserved" table tents on a few tables back there and Scott will be wearing his GMOD shirt. Please stop by and chat if you are at ISMB.
2:45-3:10 Technology TT38: Demonstration of The Pathway Tools Software and BioCyc Databases, Peter Karp. (Pathway Tools is also featured in the Art and Science Exhibition.) Pathway Tools PPT, PDF


GMOD at ISMB 2010 Media:GMODatISMB2010.pdf}} A flier highlighting GMOD related content at ISMB 2010 is now available. You can print this ahead of time, or pick up a copy from several of the speakers.