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GBrowse_syn running on
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GBrowse_syn, as implemented at WormBase

GBrowse_syn, or the Generic Synteny Browser, is a GBrowse-based synteny browser designed to display multiple genomes, with a central reference species compared to two or more additional species.  It can be used to view multiple sequence alignment data, synteny or co-linearity data from other sources against genome annotations provided by GBrowse. GBrowse_syn is included with the standard GBrowse package (version 1.69 and later).  Working examples can be seen at TAIR, WormBase, and SGN.



  • GBrowse_syn uses much of the same infrastructure as GBrowse, in terms of species databases, configuration files, perl libraries, etc.
  • It comes as part of the GBrowse distribution, version 1.69 and later (GBrowse installation info...).
  • It differs in that databases and configuration for individual species are linked together via a central configuration file and a joining database that contains reciprocal alignments between all species represented in the browser.

Example alignment database To get an idea of how alignment database is built, the files and scripts used to load the synteny browser at WormBase can be obtained from the WormBase ftp site.


Configuration files

The main configuration file specifies the alignment database, the species to be included and their corresponding configuration files.

  • This file ends with the extension ".synconf".

The species configuration file contains information used by each species-specific database.

  • This file has the extension ".syn".
  • To avoid confusing GBrowse, select names for your GBrowse_syn configuration files that are not similar to the names or regular GBrowse configuration files.

The Alignment database
