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Talk:GMOD Mailing Lists

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Any 'users' list? Where is the 'general discussion' at? The question I would like to ask is, does the GMOD wiki site belong in the following list of 'BioWikis'?

i.e. Is this wiki a fundamental part of the GMOD project, or is it predominantly an 'add on' (documentation, discussion, etc.)? I am happy to expand the GMOD related content in MetaBase, but I wonder if it belongs in the list of 'BioWikis'?

Cheers, --Dan 10:18, 3 May 2008 (EDT)

Hi Dan,

I'll leave it up to you if GMOD belongs in the BioWikis list. is a wiki about a project that is widely used in the biological databases community. As such it has some content that may be widely useful.

I would like to talk to you (off-page?) about the possibility of programmatically adding the GMOD User category to databases in MetaBase that are GMOD users.

Please send me an e-mail.

Dave Clements, 7 May 2008