News/Software Requirements V2.0?

Software Requirements, Ver 2 Proposal

GMOD’s procedures and requirements for software to become a part of GMOD were codified in February 2010, following the January 2010 GMOD Meeting. These requirements were in use before February, but were not documented or consistently applied.

These Version 1 requirements are:

We’d now like to add two new requirements that probably should have been there in the first version:

  1. Component has a support mailing list that is publicly archived
  2. Publicly accessible code repository

We discussed these changes at the September 2010 GMOD Meeting , and attendees recommended they be implemented. We are now contacting the community at large (you!) to solicit feedback on the proposal.

If you have any comments, please post them to the membership requirements thread on the gmod-devel list in the next two weeks. If we reach consensus and approval, we’ll update the requirements.

Dave Clements
GMOD Help Desk

Posted to the GMOD News on 2010/12/07



