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GMOD REST Hackathon

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January 2010 GMOD Meeting January 2010 Satellite Meeting
January 13, 2010

Following PAG 2010
San Diego, California, USA
San Diego Convention and Visitors Bureau

The goal of this hackathon is to produce a working prototype of the GMOD REST API. It will be a very low key event with no official reserved location or catered goodies. We will probably congregate pool side, in a hotel room, or in the New England themed bar at the Seven Seas hotel.

Organizing Committee



  • Produce a working version of the REST API


Jan 13th before the January 2010 GMOD Meeting.


We will be starting in the hotel bar.

9:00am - Look over API spec and discuss.

10:00am - Divide up coding tasks.

10:30am - Get coding!

12:00pm - Break for lunch.

1:30pm - More coding!

3:30pm - Regroup for status updates (if needed).

4:00pm - More coding!

6:00pm - Dinner

8:00pm - More coding! (if you are still thirsty for more)