2008 GMOD Community Survey


The first ever GMOD Community Survey was conducted in the last half of October 2008. Almost 100 people participated in the survey, providing feedback and suggestions on everything from GMOD Components to GMOD Meetings to hardware to research interests.

This survey provides the first comprehensive view of the GMOD user community, what it is using and happy with, as well as what needs improvement and what priorities for the future are.

Note: See the 2009 GMOD Community Survey for the following year’s survey, which focused on genome and comparative genomics visualization.

Highlights of the survey are on this page. The complete report summarizing all multiple choice questions and free text answers is also available.

To see the detailed section for any question in the survey, click on the link in this list.

GMOD Components

The survey asked participants which GMOD Components they used. Here were the most popular responses:

 % Using Component
70.8% <a href=”../extras/2008GMODCommunitySurvey.html#GBrowse”
class=”external text” rel=”nofollow”>GBrowse</a>  
36.0% <a href=”../extras/2008GMODCommunitySurvey.html#Chado”
class=”external text” rel=”nofollow”>Chado</a>  
30.3% <a href=”../extras/2008GMODCommunitySurvey.html#Apollo”
class=”external text” rel=”nofollow”>Apollo</a>  
21.3% <a href=”../extras/2008GMODCommunitySurvey.html#BioMart”
class=”external text” rel=”nofollow”>BioMart</a>  
13.5% <a href=”../extras/2008GMODCommunitySurvey.html#Pathway_Tools”
class=”external text” rel=”nofollow”>Pathway Tools</a>  
10.1% <a href=”../extras/2008GMODCommunitySurvey.html#CMap”
class=”external text” rel=”nofollow”>CMap</a>  
10.1% <a href=”../extras/2008GMODCommunitySurvey.html#GMODTools”
class=”external text” rel=”nofollow”>GMODTools</a>  
10.1% <a href=”../extras/2008GMODCommunitySurvey.html#InterMine”
class=”external text” rel=”nofollow”>InterMine</a>  

From the 89 responses we received, how often are the 5 most popular components used at the same site? The cutoff for inclusion in the table was 9 responses.

Components and Combinations         # Responses
      GBrowse   63
    Chado     32
Apollo         27
    Chado GBrowse   25
Apollo     GBrowse   22
Apollo   Chado     21
  BioMart       19
Apollo   Chado GBrowse   18
  BioMart   GBrowse   18
        Pathway Tools 12
      GBrowse Pathway Tools 11
Apollo BioMart       10
Apollo BioMart   GBrowse   9
  BioMart Chado     9

GMOD Servers

The survey also asked several questions about the servers GMOD components are running on.

See Computing Requirements for recommendations.

Operating System

Operating systems in use had a definite skew towards Unix based systems:

# Responses Operating System
55 Linux
8 Mac OS X
6 Solaris
2 Windows
1 Unspecified Unix

Current Server Sufficient?

We also asked users to describe their current server hardware (not summarized here, but available in the survey), and whether or not their servers were sufficient to meet their current needs. Responses to the latter question are summarized here.

# Responses Answer
~30 Sufficient (at least for now)
8 Need more memory
8 Faster/More CPUs/Servers
5 Faster/More disk

GMOD Meetings

The survey included a section on GMOD Meetings.

See Meetings for a summary of past and upcoming meetings.

GMOD Project

The survey asked several questions about the project overall.

Most Satisfied With

There were 59 responses to the question:

What aspects of the GMOD project are you most satisfied with?

Popular responses were:

# Responses Aspect / Component
23 GBrowse
17 Support and active community
8 Chado
8 Software tools quality, maintenance, breadth and functionality
6 Open Source
6 Apollo

Least Satisfied With

There were 44 responses to the question:

What aspects of the GMOD project are you least satisfied with?

Recurring responses were:

# Responses Aspect / Component
14 Documentation
8 Chado
7 Difficult configuration and installation
5 Integration and coordination
3 None

Next 12 to 18 Months

There were 47 responses to the question:

What would you like to see GMOD work on in the next 12 to 18 months?

Recurring responses were:

# Responses Task
18 Documentation
14 Integration
11 GBrowse: testing, speed, Web 2.0, glyph documentation, features
5 Chado: Chado: PostgreSQL 8.3 support, phenotypes, integration with Apollo, functional annotation
3 Training
3 Improve what we already have.

GMOD Help Desk

The survey asked several questions about the GMOD Help Desk.

Questions asked included:

Help Desk Priorities

The question:

Please rank what the priorities of the Help Desk should be.

resulted in this priority ranking for these 5 areas:

  1. Answering User Questions
  2. GMOD Web Site
  3. Developer Support
  4. Education
  5. Outreach and Community Building

GMOD Course in Europe

Note: We are moving forward with plans to hold a GMOD Course in Oxford, UK in 2009. Watch the website for details.

GMOD Course in Asia/Pacific

21 respondents were definitely or probably interested in attending a GMOD course in Asia/Pacific in 2009.

When asked what locations respondents could make it to, these locations had more than one response:

# Responses Location
5 Austrailia
5 China
3 Japan
3 Singapore
2 India

Note: We will investigate possible locations and interest in a GMOD Course in Asia/Pacific during the last half of 2009 and during 2010.

Survey Participants and Organizations

The survey a number of questions about survey respondents and their organizations.

Questions included:

User or Developer

80 participants answered the question:

Do you consider yourself to be a GMOD user, GMOD Developer, or both?

# Responses Response
35 User
6 Developer
34 Both
5 Other


Finally, the survey asked:

Please indicate what types of biological data your database/website is about or that you are interested in now or in the near future, and that you are planning or hoping to use GMOD to manage, visualize, or annotate.

Respondents were given a list of choices along with Other

# Responses Interest
51 Assembled sequence
48 Comparative Genomics
43 Manual genome annotation
39 Next generation sequence
38 Annotation pipelines
32 Community annotation
29 Microarrays
29 Ontologies
24 Mapping (genetic, physical, QTL, …)
22 Phenotypes
20 Pathways
19 Literature curation
18 Other expression (besides microarrays)
18 Workflow / Integration
13 Lines / Stocks
13 Population genomics
10 Phylogeny
6 Community directory
6 Other
4 Anatomy

Responses under Other included:



