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[http://gmod.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/gmod/Generic-Genome-Browser/branches/stable/bin/gbrowse_syn/clustal2hit.pl] is a generic alignment data parser
<span class=pops>[http://gmod.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/gmod/Generic-Genome-Browser/branches/stable/bin/gbrowse_syn/clustal2hit.pl clustal2hit.pl] is a CLUSTALW format alignment data parser.

Revision as of 15:10, 5 December 2009

This page describes helper scripts for processing alignment data for loading into GBrowse_syn.

Parsing Multiple Sequence Alignment Data

The scripts in this section process multiple sequence alignment data in various formats and convert them to the tab-delimited format used to load the GBRowse_syn database.


aln2hit.pl is a generic alignment data parser that reads alignment data into the GBrowse_syn database loading format.

Use this script in cases where you have a single alignment file and want to convert it to the tab-delimited format that is used to load the GBrowse_syn alignment database.


perl aln2hit -f clustalw -i my_alignments.aln >my_alignments.txt
argument default description
f clustalw Specifies the alignment file format. MOst common formats recongnized by BioPerl's AlignIO parsers are supported. Use clustalw or fasta for best results.
i Specifies the name of the input alignment file


clustal2hit.pl is a CLUSTALW format alignment data parser.

argument default description


argument default description

Direct Database Loading Scripts

The scripts in this section load data from multiple sequence alignment files into the GBrowse_syn alignment database


argument default description


argument default description


argument default description


argument default description