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News/GMOD Logo Program, Spring 2010

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The GMOD Logo

GMOD Logo Program

I am pleased to announce the first call for participation in the GMOD Logo Program. This program is for GMOD users and developers that would like a custom designed logo for their web site, database or software. This spring we will be working with students in an advanced design class at Linn-Benton Community College. Interested GMOD users and developers will be paired with students and meet several times (remotely) over a 3 week period this spring, with the end result being a new logo.

Participation is limited to non-profits, and costs US$75. If you are interested, please see the program page for additional details and requirements, and an application form. The program is accepting applications until March 1.


Dave Clements
GMOD Help Desk

Posted to the GMOD News on 2010/02/03