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This article describes the GBrowse2 REST API.

For the main GBrowse 2.0 HOWTO article, see: GBrowse 2.0 HOWTO.

The GBrowse2 REST API

Getting Information from the Server

You can get a list of public data sources from the GBrowse server, and interrogate each one for a list and description of the tracks it supports.

Getting a List of Sources

Invoke gbrowse with "action=list":


This will return a plain text tab-delimited document like the following:

 # Name  Description	Species	TaxID	CoordinateType	BuildAuthority	BuildVersion	BuildURL
 bamtest	BAM/SAM Test						
 elegans	C. elegans genes	Caenorhabditis elegans	6239	Chromosome	WS	180
 homo_36	Human NCI 36i coordinates						
 volvox	Volvox Tutorial Database						
 yeast	Yeast chromosomes 1+2 (basic)	Saccharomyces cerevisiae	4932	Chromosome	SGD	1

Each row is a data source. The fields are:

Data source name to use in subsequent calls to gbrowse.
Human readable text describing the data source
Species (optional)
Human readable species name.
TaxID (optional)
NCBI taxon ID.
CoordinateType (optional)
Description of the type of coordinate, such as "Chromosome" or "Contig"
BuildAuthority (optional)
The group that maintains the coordinate system. See for a list of codes.
BuildVersion (optional)
Version of the build.
BuildURL (optional)
URL that will provide information about the build (can also be used as a unique ID for the build).

These fields are derived from GBrowse.conf and the "metadata" option in the configuration file for the data source.

Generating Static Images

To generate static images of a region in PNG, SVG or PDF format, invoke gbrowse_img:

The data source, such as

Focusing on a Region

Selecting Tracks and Subtracks

Uploading Datasets

Linking to Remote Datasets

Obtaining Metadata