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This article describes the GBrowse2 REST API.

For the main GBrowse 2.0 HOWTO article, see: GBrowse 2.0 HOWTO.

The GBrowse2 REST API

Getting Information from the Server

You can get a list of public data sources from the GBrowse server, and interrogate each one for a list and description of the tracks it supports.

Getting a List of Sources

Invoke gbrowse with "action=list":

This will return a plain text tab-delimited document like the following:

# Name   Description                Species                   TaxID CoordinateType  BuildAuthority  BuildVersion BuildURL
elegans  C. elegans genes           Caenorhabditis elegans    6239  Chromosome      WS              180
yeast    Yeast chromosomes 1+2      Saccharomyces cerevisiae  4932  Chromosome      SGD             1  
bamtest  BAM/SAM Test
homo_36  Human NCI 36i coordinates
volvox   Volvox Tutorial Database

Each row is a data source. The fields are:

Data source name to use in subsequent calls to gbrowse.
Human readable text describing the data source
Species (optional)
Human readable species name.
TaxID (optional)
NCBI taxon ID.
CoordinateType (optional)
Description of the type of coordinate, such as "Chromosome" or "Contig"
BuildAuthority (optional)
The group that maintains the coordinate system. See for a list of codes.
BuildVersion (optional)
Version of the build.
BuildURL (optional)
URL that will provide information about the build (can also be used as a unique ID for the build).

These fields are derived from GBrowse.conf and the "metadata" option in the configuration file for the data source. Also see GBrowse_2.0_HOWTO#The_GENERAL_Section.

Getting Tracks from a Particular Datasource

Given a datasource name returned by "action=list", you may retrieve information about each track that is publicly exported by the datasource. Note that the maintainer of the datasource may elect not to make information on all tracks available. Append the datasource name to the gbrowse URL, and use "action=scan":

This will return a text/plain document similar to the following:

# Discoverable tracks from http://localhost/gb2/gbrowse/yeast/
key      = Named gene

key      = CDS
citation = This track shows CDS reading frames.

key      = tRNAs

key      = Transposons

key      = Long Terminal Repeats

key      = 6-frame translation

key      = 3-frame translation (forward)

[DNA GC content]
key      = DNA and/or GC Content

key      = 3-frame translation (reverse)

key      = Noncoding RNAs

Each [stanza] contains the track name, and is followed by zero or more option=value pairs. The possible options that can be returned are:

The human-readable track title.
The human-readable track citation.
data source
The value of the data source option, which can be used to identify where the track data originated.
track source
The value of the track source option, which can be used to identify a mirrored track.
A space-delimited list of subtrack selection names. These can be used to selectively turn on particular subtracks using the syntax described in #Selecting Tracks and Subtracks.

Getting Chromosome Sizes

To get the list of chromosomes and their sizes from a datasource, invoke the gbrowse URL with "action=chrom_sizes":

You will get a text file like the following:

##genome-build WS180
II	15279316
MtDNA	13794
V	20919568
X	17718851
III	13783681
IV	17493785
I	15072421

The first column is the chromosome name. The second column is its size in bases. If the appropriate metadata was provided, the first few lines will contain taxon and genome build information as shown in the example.

Downloading a Track

To download the data from a track, invoke the gbrowse URL with


where <trackname> is the name of a track obtained from "scan" (see above). This will immediately start downloading the track data in the most appropriate format.

To limit the downloaded region to a chromosome:


To limit the downloaded region to a part of a chromosome (example 110000 to 120000:


Generating Static Images

To generate static images of a region in PNG, SVG or PDF format, invoke gbrowse_img:

The data source, such as

Focusing on a Region

Managing Sessions

A user's state is stored in a cookie named "gbrowse_sess". The session ID is a 64-character hexadecimal string (numerals 0-9 and characters a-f). You can select different session IDs by passing gbrowse the CGI parameter "id", as in:


From the user interface, you can obtain the current session's id by choosing Help->Show My User ID... This will also return the uploads id, which is used for sharing uploaded track data withing sharing the user's entire session.

From within a script, you may capture the ID from the cookie as shown in the example script. You may also obtain the ID by calling GBrowse with "action=get_ids" (version 2.Session ID: 1e7995e8ced0494dcca25af4cee37f69 Upload ID: efee698db7bc6ebc8a69af04072a7143 23 and higher):


This will return a plain text file with the following structure:

Session ID: 1e7995e8ced0494dcca25af4cee37f69
Upload ID:  efee698db7bc6ebc8a69af04072a7143

Centering on a region

Selecting Tracks and Subtracks

To select subtracks within a track, use the syntax l=trackname/st1+st2+st3, where trackname is the name of the track, and st1, st2, and so forth, are the subtrack names as indicated by the "subtrack table" option. Note that subtrack names are separated by spaces. Use "+" or "%20" to escape the URL. The parameter name is "l", short for label.

Uploading Datasets

Linking to Remote Datasets

Obtaining Metadata