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Agenda items


  • Review of action items
  • Gregg
    • Looking at different data types in terms of difficulty and priority (as above)
    • Needs to incorporate CDS/UTR information to get it into the display (bit of an oversight)
    • Also looking at functionality of caching to not bother rechecking until a certain threshold of time expires (somewhat working now). Code is checked in. Struggling with firebug to get information needed to debug.
  • Chris
    • Some problems installing JBrowse using bam
    • Will have new bovine assembly in January
    • (Gregg) says we can now (via config file) view data from multiple sources in a single JBrowse instance. Next version, would allow a set of URLs be used to specify tracks. In longer term is to make this dynamic.
    • Honeybee has funding for a whole new consortium, plus 2 bumblebees. This is a complete pass reannotation.
    • Honeybee includes a lot for RNAseq data as well.
    • Editing functionality JBrowse is higher priority than viewing data from multiple sources
  • Next meeting will be January 6, 2011