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GMOD Evo Hackathon

Revision as of 16:38, 17 June 2010 by RobertBuels (Talk | contribs)

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November 8-12, 2010
National Evolutionary Synthesis Center
Raleigh-Durham, NC, USA

NESCent has funds to support a certain number of hackathons every year. We are holding a GMOD hackathon November 2010. It focuses on improving GMOD's support for evolutionary biology.

The Hackathon Proposal was submitted to NESCent in early June 2010, and approved shortly thereafter.

Event Dates

November 8-12, 2010


June 3, 2010
funding application submitted to Nescent
June 10, 2010
funding application approved
July 6, 2010
participant applications open
September 1, 2010
participant application deadline

Organizing Committee