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GBrowse NGS Tutorial

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{{#icon: BA2009Logo.png|Bioinformatics Australia BA2009}} GBrowse NGS Session

Bioinformatics Australia 2009 (BA2009)
October 28-30 2009
Dave Clements


This tutorial walks you through how to configure the GBrowse genome browser to display Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) data using the SAMtools GBrowse adaptor, Bio::DB::Sam. This tutorial was originally taught by Dave Clements at Bioinformatics Australia 2009 (BA2009) as part of a half day pre-conference workshop on GMOD.


This tutorial was taught using a VMware system image as a starting point. If you want to start with that same system, download and install the Starting image.

See VMware for what software you need to use a VMware system image, and for directions on how to get the image setup and running on your machine.

The starting image used for this tutorial is a modified copy of the one used at the start of the 2009 GMOD Summer School - Europe. See below for what was added to the starting image for this tutorial.

Starting Image

Ending Image

Username: gmod
Password: gmod


Important Note

This tutorial describes the world as it existed on the day the tutorial was given. Please be aware that things like CPAN modules, Java libraries, and Linux packages change over time, and that the instructions in the tutorial will slowly drift over time. Newer versions of tutorials will be posted as they become available.


The tutorial will show how to display next generation sequence (NGS) data in GBrowse 2 using [1]. We'll use the example human data that comes with SAMtools to do that. First we'll load the reference sequence and some gene models.

Starting Image

The starting VMware image was created by starting with the starting image used in the 2009 GMOD Summer School - Europe. Several key prerequisites, including GBrowse 2 and SAMtools, were then installed on that, and then the starting image was created.

GBrowse 2 is already up and running on the image. This tutorial tells you how to add a human datasource to the default installation, and then how to add NGS data to it, in the form of a Bio::DB::Sam/SAMtools database.


  • Login: gmod
  • Password: gmod
  • MySQL root password: none


The VMware uses the minimal Fluxbox GUI. Some details will be explained here.


This sections describes what additional prerequisites were installed on the starting image to enable GBrowse 2 and SAMtools.

Adding Human Data

  • SAMtools comes with sample human data for parts of chr 2 & 20
  • We'll use that.

SAMtools comes with some example data covering small parts of human chromosomes 2 and 20. This section describes how to add a GBrowse instance for viewing human chromosomes 2 and 20, in addition to the default GBrowse instances.

We are going to use that data to demonstrate how GBrowse visualizes short read data using SAMtools.

Getting Human Data

  • Get gene predictions and sequence for chr 2 & 20
  • Note: The FASTA and GFF3 files described here have already been downloaded into the starting VMware image.

It would be nice to show context, such as the reference sequence and predicted genes, with our short reads. To do this we will need to get GFF3 with gene models, and FASTA for the sequence. We can do that.


At UCSC, build 36.1 is available by chromosome:

According to

The chr*_random sequences are unplaced sequence on those reference chromosomes.

So, we will ignore those. <bash>cd ~/BA2009 mkdir HumanData cd HumanData wget wget gunzip chr20.fa.gz gunzip chr2.fa.gz</bash>

Take a look at the first line of each file

<bash>head -1 chr2.fa chr20.fa</bash>

This should say the names of the sequences are "chr2" and "chr20". This matters because the chromosome names occur in several places and serve to tie everything together.


  • GFF3 is GBrowse's native language
  • 9 column, tab delimited format, described at GFF3
  • Get human GF3 for chr 2&20 from CBRG at Oxford
  • Check for spanning reference feature.

GFF3 is a widely used standard format for genomic annotation.

When you are looking for GFF3 for an organism is a good place to start is, which lists GBrowse related resources for many organisms.

However, I know that the CBRG at the University of Oxford does a lot with GBrowse and human data, so I asked Simon McGowan if he could make the GFF3 for human chromosomes 2 and 3 available, and he did: <bash>wget wget</bash>

  • Everything up to here has already been done in the starting VMware image.
  • Now we start doing things.

Past experience has taught that whenever you get a GFF3 file from elsewhere it is a darn fine idea to check that the reference sequence that all features are positioned on is defined at the top of the file.

<bash>head -5 chr2_ens_annots.gff chr20_ens_annots.gff</bash> Nope.

To add reference sequence you need to know how long it is. Since I got the files from CBRG, I went to their GBrowse instance ( and typed in "chr2" and then "chr20" in the search box, and let GBrowse tell me how big they were:

Showing 242.8 Mbp from chr2, positions 1 to 242,751,149
Showing 62.44 Mbp from chr20, positions 1 to 62,435,964

I could have also done some quick calculation using the size of the FASTA files.

Edit chr2_ens_annots.gff and add this line, separate each item by tabs:

chr2 Ensembl chromosome 1 242751149 . . . Name=chr2

Edit chr2_ens_annots.gff and add this line, separate each item by tabs:

chr20 Ensembl chromosome 1 62435964 . . . Name=chr20

Gene Definitions in these GFF3 Files

An example gene definition from the GFF3

chr20 Ensembl mRNA 56701315 56724307 . + . ID=NPEPL1;Name=NPEPL1;description=Probable aminopeptidase NPEPL1 (EC 3.4.11.-) (Aminopeptidase-like 1).;ensgene_id=ENSG00000215440
chr20 Ensembl exon 56701315 56701513 . + . ID=ENSE00001542441;Parent=NPEPL1
chr20 Ensembl exon 56702200 56702385 . + . ID=ENSE00001542440;Parent=NPEPL1


  • 1: Reference sequence
  • 2: Source: A comment that identifies where this feature came from or what it means
  • 3: Type: Sequence Ontology term describing this feature
  • 4, 5: Start position and end positions, 1 relative
  • 6, 7, 8: Score, Strand, Phase
  • 9: Attributes
    • ID: Uniquely identifies feature
    • Name: used for searches and display
    • Parent: Who this feature belongs to in a multi-part feature.

Genes are defined as mRNAs containing one or more exons, in this file.

Displaying Human Data in GBrowse

Now that we have our reference sequence and the Ensembl gene models for chromosomes 2 and 20, lets show them.

Create human.conf

  • Create new GBrowse config file for human data
  • Config files use an ad hoc format
  • Divided into sections and track definition stanzas

First we need to create a new configuration file for our human data. GBrowse configuration files on Debian based systems go in


To do this, I copied yeast_chr1+2.conf and edited it. Here are the initial contents of the file:

<perl>[GENERAL] description = Human Chromosomes 2 and 20 database = annotations

initial landmark = chr20:67960..69550

default tracks = PredictedGenes

  1. examples to show in the introduction

examples = chr20:67960..69559 chr2:2043960..2045540

  1. bring in the special Submitter plugin

plugins = FastaDumper RestrictionAnnotator SequenceDumper TrackDumper Submitter

  1. "automatic" classes to try when an unqualified identifier is given
  2. automatic classes = Symbol Gene Clone
  1. database definitions

[annotations:database] db_adaptor = Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store db_args = -adaptor DBI::mysql -dsn human search options = default +autocomplete

  1. Advanced feature: custom balloons

custom balloons = [balloon]

                 delayTime = 500

maxWidth = 500

                 delayTime = 50

  1. Advanced feature: an example of callbacks to be run remotely
  2. by gbrowse_details for AJAX/iframe balloons

[TOOLTIPS] intro = sub {

               my $args  = shift;
               my $feat  = $args->{feature};
               my $name  = $feat->display_name;
               my $type  = $feat->primary_tag;
               my $class = $feat->class;
               my $extra = join(' ',$feat->each_tag_value('Note')) if $feat->has_tag('Note');
               my $n     = $type =~ /^[AEIOU]/i ? 'n' : ;
               my $msg   = "Hello, I am $name, a$n $type of class $class";
               $msg     .= "
I am described as a $extra" if $extra; $msg .= "
Click to see the sequence of $name";
return "" . "

full_sequence = sub { my $args = shift; my $feat = $args->{feature}; my $name = $feat->display_name; my $seq = $feat->seq->seq; $seq =~ s/(\S{75})/$1\n/g;

return "
  1. Advanced feature:
  2. Pop up rubberband menus for submitting selected region to search engines...
  3. include "detail_select_menu.conf"
  4. include "submitter_plugin.conf"
  1. Default glyph settings

[TRACK DEFAULTS] glyph = generic database = annotations height = 8 bgcolor = cyan fgcolor = black label density = 25 bump density = 100

  1. default pop-up balloon

balloon hover = $name is a $type spanning $ref from $start to $end. Click for more details.

  1. the remainder of the sections configure individual tracks

[DNA] glyph = dna global feature = 1 height = 40 do_gc = 1 category = Basic features gc_window = auto strand = both fgcolor = red axis_color = blue discoverable = 0 key = DNA

[Translation] glyph = translation global feature = 1 height = 40 category = Basic features fgcolor = purple strand = +1 translation = 6frame key = 6-frame translation

[PredictedGenes] feature = mRNA glyph = so_transcript description = 1 bgcolor = beige category = Basic features key = Ensembl predicted genes</perl>

What it Means

Lets go over some of the more important sections.

<perl>[GENERAL] description = Human Chromosomes 2 and 20 database = annotations

initial landmark = chr20:67960..69550

default tracks = PredictedGenes

  1. examples to show in the introduction

examples = chr20:67960..69559 chr2:2043960..2045540</perl>

  • The title of the GBrowse instance in users' browsers.
  • The default DB will be "annotations" - more on that in a bit
  • What region and tracks GBrowse will show when it first comes up.
  • What example regions will be displayed as hot links.

<perl>[annotations:database] db_adaptor = Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store db_args = -adaptor DBI::mysql -dsn human search options = default +autocomplete</perl>

  • Which adaptor we are going to use
    • GBrowse has lots of adaptors; we'll use 2 in this example
  • Which DBMS (MySQL) and database ("human") to get data from.

<perl># Default glyph settings [TRACK DEFAULTS] glyph = generic database = annotations height = 8 bgcolor = cyan fgcolor = black label density = 25 bump density = 100

  1. default pop-up balloon

balloon hover = $name is a $type spanning $ref from $start to $end. Click for more details.</perl>

  • Track default values. These can be overridden in each track.
  • Glyph determine how data is shown
    • as a box, linked boxes, xyplot, ...

<perl>[DNA] glyph = dna global feature = 1 height = 40 do_gc = 1 category = Basic features gc_window = auto strand = both fgcolor = red axis_color = blue discoverable = 0 key = DNA

[Translation] glyph = translation global feature = 1 height = 40 category = Basic features fgcolor = purple strand = +1 translation = 6frame key = 6-frame translation</perl>

  • Tracks will show the DNA and codon translation.
  • Both the "dna" and "translation" glyphs are smart.
    • They use semantic zooming to display information in different ways at high zoom and low zoom.

<perl>[PredictedGenes] feature = mRNA glyph = so_transcript description = 1 bgcolor = beige category = Basic features key = Ensembl predicted genes</perl>

  • Show the predicted Ensembl genes.
  • The "so_transcript" is also smart and knows how to display multi-part features.
  • Genes are defined in the GFF as mRNAs containing one or more exons.
  • This track definition is more typical then the DNA and Translation tracks.
  • Of particular importance is:
    <perl>feature = mRNA</perl>
Tells GBrowse what subset of features from the GFF files to display in this track.
GBrowse scans column 3 (the Sequence Ontology term) and only displays items with this feature type.

Our example gene definition from the GFF3

chr20 Ensembl mRNA 56701315 56724307 . + . ID=NPEPL1;Name=NPEPL1; ...
chr20 Ensembl exon 56701315 56701513 . + . ID=ENSE00001542441;Parent=NPEPL1
chr20 Ensembl exon 56702200 56702385 . + . ID=ENSE00001542440;Parent=NPEPL1

The file also contains information on popups and hovering. This is leftover from the original yeast file. I'm not going to talk about it, but we'll leave it there because it is nice to have.

Create the Human Database

In the human.conf file, we told GBrowse that the data would come from a MySQL database called "human": <perl>[annotations:database] db_adaptor = Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store db_args = -adaptor DBI::mysql -dsn human</perl>

We now have to create it:

mysql -uroot
create database human;
grant all privileges on human.* to gmod@localhost;
grant select on human.* to 'www-data'@'localhost';

"www-data" is the Apache user on Ubuntu. When GBrowse runs, by default it will run as the same user as Apache.

Load the Gene Models and Sequence

  • Load GFF3 and Sequence into DB
  • Put the data in GBrowse's default database directory, even though GBrowse won't use it a runtime (because it will get it from a DB)
  • Told GBrowse we would use Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store.
  • Use to load the data.

The database now exists, but it's empty.

GBrowse has many adaptors that it can use to get data with. We aren't going to use it, but one of the simplest is the memory adaptor. This adaptor just reads files from a directory into memory and uses them there.

The default location for these directories on Ubuntu is


If you look at that directory you'll notice that the default installation has already created several directories there.

Since we are going to store the data in a database, it doesn't really matter where we put the files. However, to make it easier to keep track of what data was loaded, I like to create a new directory in the default location, and place data files there before loading them. It helps me remember a week later what was uploaded. <bash>sudo mkdir /var/www/gbrowse2/databases/human_annotations sudo chown www-data:www-data /var/www/gbrowse2/databases/human_annotations sudo chmod 755 /var/www/gbrowse2/databases/human_annotations cd /var/www/gbrowse2/databases/human_annotations sudo cp /home/gmod/BA2009/HumanData/chr2_ens_annots.gff . sudo cp /home/gmod/BA2009/HumanData/chr2.fa . sudo cp /home/gmod/BA2009/HumanData/chr20_ens_annots.gff . sudo cp /home/gmod/BA2009/HumanData/chr20.fa .</bash>

We told GBrowse to use the Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store Perl module to retrieve the data. That means will load the data with a BioPerl script that uses that module to load it. <bash> -c -f -d human chr2_ens_annots.gff chr2.fa 2>&1 | tee /tmp/bpsl.log1 -f -d human chr20_ens_annots.gff chr20.fa 2>&1 | tee /tmp/bpsl.log2</bash>

Tell GBrowse About the new Human Data

GBrowse data sources (that is, different instances of GBrowse on your server) are defined in


And it is currently write protected:

sudo chmod 644 /etc/gbrowse2/GBrowse.conf

Edit that file and add this stanza at the end: <perl>[human] description = Human Chromosomes 2 and 20 path = human.conf</perl>

Test It

You can either do this from Firefox inside your VMware image, or you can do it from a browser in your host operating system.

From inside VMware, in Firefox type:


To use a browser on your host system first type this command inside the VMware system:

          inet addr:<b></b>  Bcast:  Mask:

Then type the inet addr into your browser. In this case:

You should see something like this:


Play around with it a little. Enable different tracks, scroll and zoom in and out.

Add Short Read Data

  • We now have GBrowse!
  • Load the example short read data from SAMtools.
  • Uh oh.

We now have a GBrowse instance that shows human chromosomes 2 and 20. If we had other annotation we wanted to show, we could add it incrementally from here.

And we do! Lets show the example data that comes with SAMtools. This can be found in


The 00README.txt says:

File ex1.fa contains two sequences cut from the human genome build36. They were extracted with command:

 samtools faidx human_b36.fa 2:2043966-2045540 20:67967-69550

Sequence names were changed manually for simplicity. File ex1.sam.gz contains MAQ alignments extracted with:

 (samtools view NA18507_maq.bam 2:2044001-2045500;
  samtools view NA18507_maq.bam 20:68001-69500)

and processed with samtools fixmate to make it self-consistent as a standalone alignment.

To try samtools, you may run the following commands:

 samtools faidx ex1.fa                 # index the reference FASTA
 samtools import ex1.fa.fai ex1.sam.gz ex1.bam   # SAM->BAM
 samtools index ex1.bam                # index BAM
 samtools tview ex1.bam ex1.fa         # view alignment
 samtools pileup -cf ex1.fa ex1.bam    # pileup and consensus
 samtools pileup -cf ex1.fa -t ex1.fa.fai ex1.sam.gz

Well, crap!

If you read that carefully, it looks like the short read data has been munged to make our lives easier so we don't have to go find a complete FASTA and genome annotations to see the data.

Lets take a look at the SAM file.

cd /home/gmod/BA2009/SAMtools/samtools-0.1.6/examples/
gunzip ex1.sam.gz
head -2 ex1.sam
B7_591:4:96:693:509	73	seq1	1	99	36M	*	0	0	CACTAGTGGCTCATTGTAAATGTGTGGTTTAACTCG	<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<;<<<<<<<<<5<<<<<;:<;7	MF:i:18	Aq:i:73	NM:i:0	UQ:i:0	H0:i:1	H1:i:0
EAS54_65:7:152:368:113	73	seq1	3	99	35M	*	0	0	CTAGTGGCTCATTGTAAATGTGTGGTTTAACTCGT	<<<<<<<<<<0<<<<655<<7<<<:9<<3/:<6):	MF:i:18	Aq:i:66	NM:i:0	UQ:i:0	H0:i:1	H1:i:0

Sure enough the RNAME column (col 3) is "seq1" when we want it to be "chr2" and the POS and MPOS columns (cols 4 & 8) are 1 and 0, when we want them to be 2043966 and 2043965 (or something like that).

Unmunge the data

So, we write a quick and dirty script to fix the file: <bash>cd ~/BA2009/HumanData/</bash>

Create a file called and populate it with this code: <python>#!/usr/bin/env /usr/bin/python

  1. -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
  2. -------------------------------------------------------------------

""" SAMtools comes with example data from human chromosomes 2 and 20, but it has been relocated from its place in those chroms to start at position 1.

This script moves it back. """ import sys

CHR2_OFFSET = 2043965 CHR20_OFFSET = 67966

  1. ------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. MAIN
  3. ------------------------------------------------------------------

config = {

   "SAM_INPUT_FILE":    "/home/gmod/BA2009/SAMtools/samtools-0.1.6/examples/ex1.sam",
   "SAM_OUTPUT_FILE":   "ex1.sam"


  1. File has 12 or 17 tab separate columns. Update 3 of them.

samIn = open(config["SAM_INPUT_FILE"], "r") samOut = open(config["SAM_OUTPUT_FILE"], "w")

line = samIn.readline() while (line):

   # split it by tabs
   cols = line.split("\t")
   if len(cols) != 17 and len(cols) != 12:  # sanity check
       print "Warning: Line has " + str(len(cols)) + " columns\n" + line + "\n"
   # Fix sequence name
   if cols[2] == "seq1":
       cols[2] = "chr2"
   elif cols[2] == "seq2":
       cols[2] = "chr20"
       print "unknown seq: " + cols[2] + "\n"
   # Fix Pos & mate pos
   if cols[2] == "chr2":
       cols[3] = str(int(cols[3]) + CHR2_OFFSET)
       cols[7] = str(int(cols[7]) + CHR2_OFFSET)
       cols[3] = str(int(cols[3]) + CHR20_OFFSET)
       cols[7] = str(int(cols[7]) + CHR20_OFFSET)
   # all happy now.
   outLine = "\t".join(cols)
   line = samIn.readline()


And run it: <bash>chmod 755 ./</bash>

Convert Munged SAM to a BAM

  • SAM is a human readable text format.
  • GBrowse expects to find SAM data in BAM format, a binary, indexed and highly compressed format.

Now we invoke some SAMtools magic.

First create a single FASTA file from the two: <bash>cat chr2.fa chr20.fa > chr2_20.fa</bash>

Note: There may be a way to use two separate FASTA files, but I don't know how.

Second, create a FASTA index file on the combined file: <bash>export SAMTOOLS=/home/gmod/BA2009/SAMtools/samtools-0.1.6 $SAMTOOLS/samtools faidx chr2_20.fa</bash>

Which produces the chr2_20.fa.fai file. Now lets try to convert the SAM to BAM:

<bash>$SAMTOOLS/samtools import chr2_20.fa.fai ex1.sam ex1.bam [sam_header_read2] 2 sequences loaded.</bash>

Copy the BAM files to where GBrowse can see them

The GBrowse SAMtools adaptor does expect to find the files in a particular directory. Create one in the usual place: <bash>sudo mkdir /var/www/gbrowse2/databases/humansam sudo chown www-data:www-data /var/www/gbrowse2/databases/humansam sudo chmod 755 /var/www/gbrowse2/databases/humansam sudo cp chr2_20.fa /var/www/gbrowse2/databases/humansam/ sudo cp ex1.bam /var/www/gbrowse2/databases/humansam/</bash>

Tell GBrowse About the SAM Files

To do this update the config file for human at:


There are several changes to make. First add the new database section right below the existing one: <perl>[humansam:database] db_adaptor = Bio::DB::Sam db_args = -fasta /var/www/gbrowse2/databases/humansam/chr2_20.fa

                -bam   /var/www/gbrowse2/databases/humansam/ex1.bam

search options = default</perl>

This tells GBrowse that there is a second database to get things from, where to find it, and to use the Bio::DB::Sam adaptor to read it in.

Displaying Summary Data

Next, add in a track to show read coverage as an XY plot. At the bottom of the file add: <perl>[CoverageXyplot] feature = coverage glyph = wiggle_xyplot database = humansam height = 50 fgcolor = black bicolor_pivot = 20 pos_color = blue neg_color = red key = Coverage (xyplot) category = Reads label = 0 # Labels on wiggle tracks are redundant.</perl>

Save your changes, and hit the "[Reset]" link on your GBrowse window. This should return you to where you first started except that there is now a "Coverage (xyplot)" track you can turn on. Turn it on.

Also, turn off "Cache Tracks". You want that off whenever you are experimenting with the configuration file.

You should see something like:


This shows the read coverage. We told GBrowse to flag any read depth below 20 as red.

You can also show read coverage with color intensity. Add this stanza at the end of the config file: <perl>[CoverageDensity] feature = coverage glyph = wiggle_density database = humansam height = 30 bgcolor = blue bicolor_pivot = 20 pos_color = blue neg_color = red key = Coverage (density plot) category = Reads label = 0 # labels on wiggle tracks are redundant</perl>

Save your changes, and hit the "[Reset]" link again. You will now have a "Coverage (censity plot)" track you can turn on. Turn it on.

Showing Individual Reads

You can also show the individual reads. Add this clause at the end of /etc/gbrowse2/human.conf: <perl>[Reads] feature = match glyph = segments draw_target = 1 show_mismatch = 1 mismatch_color = red database = humansam bgcolor = blue fgcolor = white height = 5 label density = 50 bump = fast key = Reads category = Reads</perl>

Save your changes, hit the "[Reset]" link, and turn on the "Reads" track. It should look like:


Zoom in. When you get close to about 100bp resolution, you'll see the individual base pairs, and mismatches will be highlighted in red.

Showing Mapping Quality

A lot of people want to show individual base read quality. We can't do that yet, but we do have programmatic access to the individual reads and can use that to display some things, such as mapping quality.

We do this with a Perl callback, a short (usually) snippet of code that sets a parameter based on values in the feature. The popup and hover settings in the file already use this. Here, we'll do something simple: setting the color intensity based on mapping quality.

In the config file, /etc/gbrowse2/human.conf, in the [Reads] stanza, replace this lines: <perl>bgcolor = blue fgcolor = white</perl> with <perl>bgcolor = sub {

       my $feature = shift;
       my $blueness = 255 - int($feature->qual * 2.40);
       my $colour = chr(35) . sprintf("%X", $blueness) .
                              sprintf("%X", $blueness) . "FF";
       return $colour;

fgcolor = black</perl>

High quality mappings will be dark blue, lower quality ones will be light blue.

Give it a go.

Showing Paired End Reads

Finally, the example data is for paired end reads. To visualize the pairings add this stanza at the end of the config file: <perl>[Pair] feature = read_pair glyph = segments database = humansam draw_target = 1 show_mismatch = 1 bgcolor = sub {

                   my $f = shift;

return $f->attributes('M_UNMAPPED') ? 'red' : 'green';


fgcolor = green height = 3 label = sub {shift->display_name} label density = 50 bump = fast connector = dashed balloon hover = sub {

                   my $f     = shift;
                          return  unless $f->type eq 'match';
                                     return 'Read: '.$f->display_name.' : '.$f->flag_str;

key = Read Pairs category = Reads</perl>