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GMOD Online Training 2014/Schedule

Revision as of 04:00, 19 May 2014 by Bmoore (Talk | contribs)

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Classes start at 9am Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-4).

The course covers the following topics in detail:

Time slot Topic Instructor Affiliation; GMOD role
Day 1, AM GMOD in the Cloud, AWS walkthrough Scott Cain Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
GMOD Project Coordinator; Chado, GBrowse
Day 1, AM GFF3 Scott Cain Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
GMOD Project Coordinator; Chado, GBrowse
Day 1, AM/PM SOBA Barry Moore University of Utah
Day 1, PM MAKER Barry Moore / Carson Holt University of Utah
Day 2, AM Chado Scott Cain Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
GMOD Project Coordinator; Chado, GBrowse
Day 2, PM Tripal Stephen Ficklin Washington State University
Day 3, AM JBrowse Scott Cain Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
GMOD Project Coordinator; Chado, GBrowse
Day 3, PM WebApollo Ed Lee Berkeley Bioinformatics Open-Source Projects
Apollo, WebApollo
Day 4, AM GBrowse Scott Cain Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
GMOD Project Coordinator; Chado, GBrowse
Day 4, PM GBrowse syn Sheldon McKay iPlant Collaborative, CSHL
GBrowse_syn, GBrowse
Day 5, PM Galaxy Carl Eberhard Galaxy Project
Day 5, AM InterMine Alex Kalderimis University of Cambridge, UK


GMOD thanks the generous grant from the Amazon AWS in Education program, which provided free compute time on Amazon Web Services for the course tutors and participants.