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m (Introduction)
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For representing phylogenetic trees; the trees represent the phylogeny of some some kind of sequence feature, protein or nucleotide, or actual organism taxonomy trees.
For representing phylogenetic trees; the trees represent the phylogeny of some some kind of sequence feature, protein or nucleotide, or actual organism taxonomy trees.
This module relies heavily on the sequence module  
This module relies heavily on the [[Chado_Sequence_Module|sequence module]]. In particular, all the leaf nodes in a tree correspond to features;  
in particular, all the leaf nodes in a tree correspond to features;  
these will usually be features of type SO:protein or SO:polypeptide  
these will usually be features of type SO:protein or SO:polypeptide  
(but other trees are possible - e.g. intron trees). If it is desirable to store multiple alignments for each non-leaf node,  
(but other trees are possible - e.g. intron trees). If it is desirable to store multiple alignments for each non-leaf node,  
Line 23: Line 22:
The nested set tree implementation by way of Joe Celko; see the excellent introduction by Aaron Mackey at  
The nested set tree implementation by way of Joe Celko; see the excellent introduction by Aaron Mackey at
=More Information=
=More Information=

Revision as of 05:29, 5 March 2007


For representing phylogenetic trees; the trees represent the phylogeny of some some kind of sequence feature, protein or nucleotide, or actual organism taxonomy trees.

This module relies heavily on the sequence module. In particular, all the leaf nodes in a tree correspond to features; these will usually be features of type SO:protein or SO:polypeptide (but other trees are possible - e.g. intron trees). If it is desirable to store multiple alignments for each non-leaf node, then each node can be mapped to a feature of type SO:match. Please refer to the sequence module docs for details on storing multiple alignments.

Annotating nodes

Each node can have a feature attached; this 'feature' is the multiple alignment for non-leaf nodes. It is these features that are annotated rather than annotating the nodes themselves. This has lots of advantages - we can piggyback off of the sequence module and reuse the tables there the leaf nodes may have annotations already attached - for example, GO associations. In fact, it is even possible to annotate ranges along an alignment - this would entail creating a new feature which has a featureloc on the alignment feature.

The nested set tree implementation by way of Joe Celko; see the excellent introduction by Aaron Mackey at

More Information

See the page on the related Organism module.


Table: phylonode

This is the most pervasive element in the phylogeny module, cataloging the "phylonodes" of tree graphs. Edges are implied by the parent_phylonode_id reflexive closure. For all nodes in a nested set implementation the left and right index will be *between* the parents left and right indexes.

phylonode Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
phylonode_id serial PRIMARY KEY


phylotree_id integer UNIQUE#1 UNIQUE#2 NOT NULL


parent_phylonode_id integer

Root phylonode can have null parent_phylonode_id value.
left_idx integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
right_idx integer UNIQUE#2 NOT NULL


type_id integer

Type: e.g. root, interior, leaf.


feature_id integer

Phylonodes can have optional features attached to them e.g. a protein or nucleotide sequence usually attached to a leaf of the phylotree for non-leaf nodes, the feature may be a feature that is an instance of SO:match; this feature is the alignment of all leaf features beneath it.
label character varying(255)
distance double precision

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Table: phylonode_dbxref

For example, for orthology, paralogy group identifiers; could also be used for NCBI taxonomy; for sequences, refer to phylonode_feature, feature associated dbxrefs.

phylonode_dbxref Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
phylonode_dbxref_id serial PRIMARY KEY


phylonode_id integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL


dbxref_id integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

Table: phylonode_organism

This linking table should only be used for nodes in taxonomy trees; it provides a mapping between the node and an organism. One node can have zero or one organisms, one organism can have zero or more nodes (although typically it should only have one in the standard NCBI taxonomy tree).

phylonode_organism Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
phylonode_organism_id serial PRIMARY KEY


phylonode_id integer UNIQUE NOT NULL

One phylonode cannot refer to >1 organism.


organism_id integer NOT NULL

Table: phylonode_pub

phylonode_pub Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
phylonode_pub_id serial PRIMARY KEY


phylonode_id integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL


pub_id integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

Table: phylonode_relationship

This is for exotic relationships that are not strictly hierarchical; for example, horizontal gene transfer. Use of this table would be highly unusual; most phylogenetic trees are strictly hierarchical. Nevertheless, it is here for completeness.

phylonode_relationship Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
phylonode_relationship_id serial PRIMARY KEY


subject_id integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL


object_id integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL


type_id integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
rank integer

Table: phylonodeprop

phylonodeprop Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
phylonodeprop_id serial PRIMARY KEY


phylonode_id integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL


type_id integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

type_id could designate phylonode hierarchy relationships, for example: species taxonomy (kingdom, order, family, genus, species), "ortholog/paralog", "fold/superfold", etc.
value text UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::text
rank integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

Table: phylotree

Global anchor for phylogenetic tree.

phylotree Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
phylotree_id serial PRIMARY KEY


dbxref_id integer NOT NULL
name character varying(255)


type_id integer

Type: protein, nucleotide, taxonomy, for example. The type should be any SO type, or "taxonomy".
comment text

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Table: phylotree_pub

Tracks citations global to the tree e.g. multiple sequence alignment supporting tree construction.

phylotree_pub Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
phylotree_pub_id serial PRIMARY KEY


phylotree_id integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL


pub_id integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL