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Tripal Working Group

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January 2010 GMOD Meeting January 2010 Satellite Meeting
January 13, 2010

Following PAG 2010
San Diego, California, USA
San Diego Convention and Visitors Bureau

There will be a Satellite Meeting on Tripal at the January 2010 GMOD Meeting. This working group will be a discussion of Tripal with an emphasis on future development plans. Anyone using Tripal, planning on or interested in it, or with an interest in using Drupal as a web front end to Chado is encouraged to attend.

Time: 4-6pm, Wednedsay, January 13

The working group will meet:

Time: 4-6pm, Wednesday, January 13.
Venue: Lobby of the Town and Country Convention Center

This is between the end of content at PAG 2010 and the PAG conference dinner. We may lose wireless halfway through the meeting.


If you are interested, please add your name below. You may also want to subscribe to the Tripal mailing list.

Name Email Affiliation Comments
Stephen Ficklin ficklin<*> CUGI
Meg Staton mestato<*> CUGI
Sook Jung sook<*> Washington State University, GDR
Michael Caudy mcaudy<*> Reactome
Dave Clements clements<*> GMOD, NESCent